
MSNBC Host Asks Twitter To Censor President Trump's Account


There is no denying the fact that President Donald Trump makes frequent use of social media platform Twitter to bypass the mainstream media outlets overtly biased against him and deliver his message with no filter to his supporters and the rest of the American people.

As such, many in the anti-Trump liberal media have sought ways to silence Trump’s use of Twitter as a megaphone and deplatform him so his message to the people must first go through their biased filter.

As NTK Network reported, MSNBC host Stephanie Ruhle broached that topic — seeing Trump removed from Twitter — on Monday when she asked a technology journalist whether Twitter will ever ban Trump and close down his official account, which has more than 52 million followers.

“According to The New York Times, Trump has insulted someone via Twitter 487 times. Is there a point in which Twitter says, ‘this is a violation of our ethics, we’re going to shut you down?’” Ruhle asked of panelist Kara Swisher of the Recode website.

Unfortunately for Ruhle, while Swisher most certainly didn’t defend Trump’s use of Twitter to insult other people, she nevertheless doubted that the platform would ever take the monumental step of banning the president from its purported “free speech” platform.

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“I think Twitter laid out the position that he’s the president, and what he says is important, and so we’re going to publish it,” Swisher replied, likely to Ruhle’s dismay.

“I think there probably is a Rubicon he could cross, but he hasn’t crossed it yet, for Twitter at least,” she continued. “And it’s hard to say what it would take to do that.”

“And so the question is, will some of these social media companies, which have a lot of power, start to throttle things back,” Swisher added, as she referenced how Apple had just removed controversial radio host Alex Jones and his InfoWars outlet from Apple’s iTunes Store.

The Hill noted that Facebook had also just deleted several of Jones’ InfoWars pages, citing unspecified violations of its content policies, though likely in response to significant pressure from liberal activists who have long sought to silence Jones. Jones has reportedly received similar silencing treatment from other platforms as well.

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“We’ll see if the companies will continue to do that,” Swisher stated. “Even as they have these very strong First Amendment arguments on the other side. But it’s a complicated issue. It’s not easily reduced to just, ‘I’m for free speech or against.'”

Perhaps unsurprisingly, this wasn’t the first time that Ruhle had raised the issue of Trump’s Twitter use and suggested he should be banned from the platform — in essence censored and silenced by the leftists who run the social media giant.

The Washington Free Beacon reported in July that Ruhle, among others at NBC and the liberal media world at large, had called for Twitter to shut down Trump’s account after he had responded to threats from Iranian President Hassan Rouhani with an all-caps tweet threatened “consequences” for future threats or provocations.

Those on the left lost their minds and proclaimed Trump’s tweet to be a violation of Twitter’s rules against making “specific threats of violence,” with Ruhle herself asking in a tweet, “Where does @realDonaldTrump’s tweet land in the universe of acceptable use of the platform?”

What really bothers liberals about Trump’s Twitter use, though, is that it sidesteps their efforts to filter and manipulate his words to fit their own preset narratives.

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Considering the amount of utter garbage from the left seen daily on Twitter — including blatantly racist statements or overt threats of violence — that never get deleted or result in a ban or suspension of the violating account, this push by the media to silence Trump’s use of Twitter is glaringly obvious in its ultimate intention.

Yes, Trump uses Twitter a lot, and at times can be insulting toward those who’ve first insulted him, and not all of his supporters like the frequency or content of all of his tweets.

Yet, he also uses Twitter to share good news about what his administration is doing that the media ignores, issues words of support for his followers and Republican candidates, and pushes back against the left’s incessant efforts to silence anyone who disagrees with them.

Most of us are willing to take the bad in exchange for the greater good.

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Ben Marquis is a writer who identifies as a constitutional conservative/libertarian. He has written about current events and politics for The Western Journal since 2014. His focus is on protecting the First and Second Amendments.
Ben Marquis has written on current events and politics for The Western Journal since 2014. He reads voraciously and writes about the news of the day from a conservative-libertarian perspective. He is an advocate for a more constitutional government and a staunch defender of the Second Amendment, which protects the rest of our natural rights. He lives in Little Rock, Arkansas, with the love of his life as well as four dogs and four cats.
The School of Life
Little Rock, Arkansas
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