
Mob of Teens Ransacks Man's Car, Seriously Injures Him in Vicious Attack That Only Ended When Young Woman Intervened


One young woman put a group of bystanders and criminal barbarians to shame.

Meanwhile, the establishment media once again showed the subtle ways in which the inversion of truth has polluted Western society.

According to KTLA-TV in Los Angeles, Uber Eats driver Janeth Garcia intervened during a brutal Aug. 2 attack at a Los Angeles intersection where several dozen teenagers on bicycles robbed and assaulted Shailoobek Bazarbai Uulu, resulting in numerous lacerations and a broken leg for the victim and serious damage to his car.

“The whole incident was very inhumane,” Garcia recalled.

Uulu said the violence began when he attempted to pass the bicyclists after a traffic light turned green. At that point, someone threw a water bottle into his car.

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“As soon as he passed the light, they started throwing items in his car and banging on his car,” Garcia said. “As anyone would, he got out to check his car.”

In other words, according to Garcia, the victim did nothing to provoke the attack.

Nonetheless, the hooligans responded by assaulting Uulu, stealing personal items from his car, shattering its windows and stomping on the trunk.

One witness began filming the assault after it had already begun.

Do you try to avoid major cities?

“This is what L.A. has come to, dog. I’m not even playin’, dog. I literally just parked right over there. Man, these kids are wilin’, bro. They’re not even older than 20, dog,” the witness said as he filmed.

Fifteen seconds passed between the beginning and end of that gibberish-filled commentary. Still, the witness did nothing but film the mayhem. Other onlookers also took no action.

Moments later, at least, the witness did approach a staggered Uulu and — incredibly — apologized for the assailants’ behavior.

Then, footage showed multiple hooligans jumping on the victim’s car.

According to a video report from KTLA, Uulu suffered not only a broken leg but deep cuts and lacerations as a result of being punched and kicked while on the ground.

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Finally, Garcia intervened.

“Suddenly, someone, like, pulled me out,” the victim recalled. “And she just literally, like, saved my life. And it was a young lady. She just take me aside. She just hug me.”

The witness’ footage then provided a brief glimpse of Garcia’s heroism.

Sadly, however, no one has yet brought the hooligans to justice.

“It’s been a week, and no one has been arrested,” Uulu said.

Both the witness’ footage and Uulu’s interview appeared in the KTLA video report. Readers may view that report below.

Like any decent person would, Garcia sympathized with Uulu.

“He was so defenseless. He did not want to pick a fight,” she said. “I consider myself a person who did the right thing, as anyone should when you see incidents like that happen.”

Indeed, who could help but imagine themselves in the victim’s place?

“I am alone here and never thought that I could find myself in such a situation,” Uulu said in a GoFundMe appeal, KTLA reported.

Still, in ways perhaps not even detectable to the journalists themselves, KTLA subtly but repeatedly undermined readers’ and viewers’ sympathy for the victim.

“While Uulu insists he did nothing to provoke the attack, in video of the incident, one bicyclist can be seen and heard telling the man recording that Uulu cut them off and almost hit one of them, sparking the violence,” Josh DuBose of KTLA wrote.

Ah, so Uulu sparked the violence?

In the video report above, KTLA’s Carlos Saucedo made a similar comment.

“The victim says he did nothing to provoke the attack, but in the video we hear the teens claim he cut them off, almost hitting them,” Saucedo said.

Factually accurate or otherwise, such statements reflect a deeper moral rot. After all, even if Uulu had “cut them off,” the bicycling hooligans responded by assaulting the victim, stealing his belongings and destroying his car.

Could it be these establishment media sources make such statements because they have internalized a broader cultural preference for criminals over victims?

Then there was the witness who filmed the assault but made no effort to help Uulu in any meaningful way.

Incredibly, only a young woman had the courage to stop a group of young men from destroying their own civilization.

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Michael Schwarz holds a Ph.D. in History and has taught at multiple colleges and universities. He has published one book and numerous essays on Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and the Early U.S. Republic. He loves dogs, baseball, and freedom. After meandering spiritually through most of early adulthood, he has rediscovered his faith in midlife and is eager to continue learning about it from the great Christian thinkers.
Michael Schwarz holds a Ph.D. in History and has taught at multiple colleges and universities. He has published one book and numerous essays on Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and the Early U.S. Republic. He loves dogs, baseball, and freedom. After meandering spiritually through most of early adulthood, he has rediscovered his faith in midlife and is eager to continue learning about it from the great Christian thinkers.

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