Lifestyle & Human Interest

'Miracle': Muslim Men in Gaza Seek Christ After Over 200 Dream of Jesus on Same Night - Report


More than 200 Muslim men in Gaza have converted to Christianity after reportedly seeing Jesus in their dreams, said Christian professor Michael Licona.

Licona teaches New Testament studies at Houston Christian University and has also written a number of books, including “The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus” and “Paul Meets Muhammad.”

In a recent Facebook post, Licona said he received a report from “underground Christian ministries” in the Middle East that detailed the miraculous conversions.

“God is working in the midst of war!” his post began.

He then quoted the report from the ministries.

“Over the past two days, we have ministered to hundreds of fathers who have lost most, if not all, of their children in the war. As we moved these men to safety, we fed them, washed their clothes, and began to read the Bible to them — sharing the way of peace through Jesus.

“Then, a big miracle happened. Last night, Jesus appeared to more than 200 of them in their dreams! They have come back to us to learn more from God’s Word and are asking how to follow Jesus,” the report said.

Licona then voiced his own stance on the Israel-Hamas conflict.

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“I side with Israel in this war; not necessarily for theological reasons but because Hamas and those backing it are pure evil,” Licona said.

“Yet, I know that not all Palestinians support Hamas. In fact, they will be punished severely if even suspected of not supporting Hamas. Let’s pray that this war can be over soon and that Israel can eradicate Hamas so that Palestinians can be free … of Hamas!”

This isn’t the first report of such dreams affecting Muslims.

About a month before the Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attack, Assemblies of God News reported that Muslims around the world were dreaming of Jesus and converting to Christianity at an unprecedented rate.

“I would even say it’s the normal experience,” said Dick Brogden, a missionary for the Assemblies of God, a Pentecostal Christian organization. “It would be accurate to say that Muslims are responding to Jesus in levels we have never seen, not in 1,400 years!”

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Brogden also noted the importance of dreams for evangelism.

“Dreams are contributing to revelation … the process of evangelism and conversion,” Brogden said.

“So many Muslims reject Islam, but know that to follow Jesus will cost them everything. Dreams of Jesus encourage them along the way and give them the comfort that Jesus will be with them — though it cost them everything to follow Him.”

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