
Mike Huckabee: It's Time for Noodle-Spined Leaders To Re-Establish Basic Human Decency in Their Cities


The violent, greedy, anti-American, anti-police anarchists who are taking over large swaths of big Democrat-run cities have enjoyed cover for weeks thanks to a variety of excuses.

They’re justifiably outraged over George Floyd and racism, they’re really “peaceful protesters,” they were attacked by the cops, they were provoked by the presence of federal agents, etc., etc, etc.

One by one, those excuses have been exposed.

The “protesters” have destroyed black neighborhoods, attacked black people who opposed them and screamed racist insults at black cops.

The whole world has seen them riot, burn and loot quite unpeacefully.

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The police were ordered to step down, and they rioted, burned and looted some more.

The federal agents left, and they still rioted, burned and looted.

Early Monday morning in Chicago, just when we thought they had gone as low as anyone could possibly go, they dug a little deeper into the depths of depravity by attacking and looting a Ronald McDonald House.

Do you think Democratic in major American cities will finally put a stop to the riots?

That’s the charity facility where families can stay while their children are in the hospital.

There were about 30 families in the Chicago Ronald McDonald House when the rioters terrified them by smashing the windows and looting it.

Owen Buell, a 2-year-old boy who’s fighting Stage 4 cancer, missed a medical appointment and was unable to go home for his birthday because of all the looting damage.

“Owen couldn’t go home like was planned for his birthday,” Owen’s mother, Valeria Mitchell, told Fox News.

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“We had … a two-week stay at the Ronald McDonald’s house, so it was like a long time coming, and, you know, it just ruined it.”

On the positive side, little Owen is responding well to cancer treatment, and the publicity from the news story has boosted donations to the family’s GoFundMe page to help cover his huge medical bills.

It’s nice to see that something positive has come out of these protests, even if it was completely unintentional on the part of the “protesters.”

Aside from that, I hope this latest unconscionable action will spell the last straw and that all Americans will set aside their differences, come together as one and demand that these noodle-spined city leaders do whatever it takes to re-establish not just law and order, but basic standards of common human decency.

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Mike Huckabee is the host of "Huckabee" on TBN Sat/Sun 8 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, a Fox News contributor, author, former Arkansas governor, bass guitarist and grandfather to six of the cutest kids in world! He's also a special contributor for The Western Journal.

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