
Michelle Obama Complains About 'Pettiness' While Taking Veiled Shot at Trump


Political tone-deafness is a major problem in America today … and one of the most out-of-touch statements just came from former first lady Michelle Obama.

On Friday, the same woman whose husband ushered in one of the most divisive eras in political history went on a rant about “pettiness and meanness” as she gave a speech at the University of Miami.

“I am tired of the daily chaos, the pettiness, the meanness that too often dominates the political discourse,” the former first lady lectured, likely taking a veiled shot at President Donald Trump.

Obama seemed completely clueless about how hypocritical she sounded. Maybe she hasn’t been paying attention to the news. After all, it is her own party which has been leading the chaos recently.

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Just a few days ago, a leftist mob forced Republican Sen. Ted Cruz to flee a restaurant, after hounding and confronting him as he tried to enjoy an evening out with his wife.

Before that, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family ended up in a similar situation, when she was forced to leave a Virginia restaurant.

Black conservative commentator Candace Owens was attacked and shouted out of a restaurant by unhinged liberals, in a scene that — ironically enough — seemed ripped from the pre-civil rights era.

But Michelle Obama is oh-so-concerned about “pettiness and meanness” … that is, of course, unless it’s her side doing it.

Was Michelle Obama being hypocritical in her statement?

The former first lady stayed strangely silent when fellow Democrat Maxine Waters called for liberals to stalk and harass conservatives anywhere they could find them, even as they try to pump gas.

Then there’s the long list of divisive statements that Barack Obama made during his eight years as president.

Let’s not forget the time he mocked conservatives as “bitter” people who “cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them” in a gaffe so appalling that even Hillary Clinton called it “demeaning” and “out of touch.”

Of course, Clinton herself didn’t learn the lesson, and contributed to pettiness almost a decade later by calling anybody who didn’t vote for her “deplorable.”

Even this past week, a Democratic senator told people who disagree with her to “shut up” as her own party played games with a woman’s personal life, all in an attempt to destroy the career of public servant and family man Brett Kavanaugh.

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But remember, it’s Michelle Obama who is lecturing the other side about petty discourse. Somebody get this woman a mirror.

The reality is that the left doesn’t have a leg to stand on when it comes to worrying about politeness in politics. They’ve been slinging mud for decades — and the Trump era has only sent them more over the edge, with extremist groups like “antifa” the latest symptom of their rhetoric.

It would be a lot easier to take Obama’s message seriously if her own side didn’t have such an appalling track record. There is room to rise above dirty politics, but until Democrats change their tune, they will remain firmly part of the problem.

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Benjamin Arie is an independent journalist and writer. He has personally covered everything ranging from local crime to the U.S. president as a reporter in Michigan before focusing on national politics. Ben frequently travels to Latin America and has spent years living in Mexico.

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