
Matthew McConaughey Makes Major Announcement About His Run for Texas Governor


Actor Matthew McConaughey will not run for governor of Texas next year.

McConaughey made his announcement in a Twitter video posted Sunday night, ending months of buzz over whether he would enter the 2022 race.

“Listen, over the past two years, I’ve been working on the answer to the question of how I can be most useful in this life going forward,” McConaughey, who lives in the state capital of Austin, said in his video.

“One category of service I’ve been exploring is politics. Been considering a run for governor of Texas,” he said.

The actor said he has been studying both American and Texas politics.

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“What have I learned? A lot,” he said. “That we have some problems we need to fix. That our politics needs a new purpose. That we have divides that need healing. That we need more trust in our lives. …

“I’ve learned that freedom comes with responsibility and that great leaders serve. Whether a politician, a CEO, a star quarterback, a mother, father, husband, wife, brother, friend, mentor or teacher, we lead by serving each other. We lead through our service. What is service? Service is taking on responsibility today so we can have more freedom tomorrow.”

McConaughey said that “as a simple kid born in the little town of Uvalde, Texas, it never occurred to me I would one day be considered for political leadership. It’s a humbling and inspiring path to ponder.”

“It is also a path that I am choosing not to take at this moment,” he said, leaving the door open for some political career in the future.

Are you disappointed that McConaughey isn't running for governor?

However, McConaughey said he will not simply go back to his entertainment industry life.

He said he will “continue to work and invest the bounty I have by supporting entrepreneurs, businesses and foundations that I believe are leaders, establishments that I believe are creating pathways for people to succeed in life, organizations that have a mission to serve and build trust while also generating prosperity.”

“That’s the American dream,” he said.

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McConaughey reminded Texans that democracy only works when citizens are involved.

“Politicians? The good ones can help us to get to where we need to go, yeah,” McConaughey said. “But let’s be clear, they can’t do anything for us unless we choose to do for ourselves.

“So, to the leaders and the servants out there and the leader and servant in each one of us, cheers to you. … In the meantimes and all times and until next time, just keep living.”

Former Democratic Rep. Beto O’Rourke has said he will challenge Republican Gov. Greg Abbott in 2022.

A recent survey by the University of Texas, Tyler, and The Dallas Morning News found that McConaughey was much more popular than O’Rourke.

Participants were asked whether they would be more likely to support McConaughey or O’Rourke if the actor entered the race. Forty-nine percent answered McConaughey compared with 27 percent for O’Rourke — a 22-point difference. Nineteen percent said they would choose someone else, and 4 percent refused to answer.

O’Rourke, a 2018 U.S. Senate candidate and a 2020 presidential candidate, appears to be the lone major figure on the Democratic side.

That survey also found that McConaughey topped Abbott by 8 points, 43 percent to 35 percent. Twenty-two percent said they would pick someone else.

Abbott is facing a GOP challenge from conservative commentator and former Florida Rep. Allen West.

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Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
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