
Little Boy Cries After Skinning His Knee, Cop Sees What Happens & Makes His Day


Social media comes with many downsides. While it helps us stay connected with family and friends across the miles, it also does its best to soak up all our attention

We can get stuck staring at a screen, scrolling for hours looking at pictures of life instead of actually living it.

Balance is certainly important when it comes to the time we spend commenting, liking, sharing and subscribing.

Of course, some posts are totally worth noticing. Rather than point us toward all the negativity we all-too-often see, these sharable stories remind us it is perhaps life’s simplest moments that are worth talking about.

Lynnzie Girouard of Louisiana shared one such moment on Facebook. Girouard is a mother of one very brave little boy.

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Kruz is just 4 years old. As you might know, when you’re that age, even the smallest things can seem like the end of the world.

Even a scraped knee. Girouard explained in her Oct. 20 post that she and Kruz were walking out of the Grand Theater in Lafayette when the unthinkable happened.

“Kruz tripped in the parking lot and skinned his hand and knee,” Girouard wrote. Of course, the 4-year-old was devastated, as anyone his age would be.

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Thankfully there was a superhero nearby in the form of Lafayette police officer, Tombu Mercier. According to Girouard, Mercier witnessed what she calls the “tragedy” and jumped in to help.

Girouard explained that Mercier “took the time to make this little boy’s day!” The photos she posted show the officer not only pulling out a first aid kit, but also letting Kruz try on some super awesome officer gear.

What a sweet guy. I think it can be easy to forget that the men and women in blue are people just like you and me.

Mercier certainly has a big heart and, according to little Kruz, “saved his life” that day in the theater parking lot.

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“Big thanks to officer Tom for showing this much compassion,” Girouard wrote. She described the experience as “awesome and captivating” for her son.

She’s not the only one recognizing the officer either. The Lafayette Police Deaprtment shared her post on their Facebook page as well.

“Cpl. Tombu Mercier always putting smiles on the littles ones faces!” the department wrote. It would appear Mercier is known for his way with kids.

Kruz’s experience serves as a good reminder that most first responders such as Mercier do what they do because they have a heart to serve their communities in the biggest way.

Next time you get sucked into the social media scrolling game, skip over the junk and keep an eye out for positive posts like this one. To use Girouard’s hashtags — #thankacop and #supporttheblue.

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Sarah Carri is an avid reader and social media guru with a passion for truth and life. Her writing has previously been published in print and online by Focus on the Family and other well known media outlets. Her experience in ministry and Disney entertainment gives her a unique perspective on such topics.
Sarah Carri is an avid reader and social media guru with a passion for truth and life. Her writing has previously been published in print and online by Focus on the Family and other well known media outlets. Her experience in ministry and Disney entertainment gives her a unique perspective on such topics.

Sarah's experience as a successful working stay-at-home mom and business owner has given her the chance to write and research often. She stays up to date on the latest in entertainment and offers her views on celebrity stories based on her wide knowledge of the industry. Her success as a former preschool teacher and licensed daycare provider lend to her know-how on topics relating to parenting and childhood education.

Her thoughts on faith and family issues stem from home life and ministry work. Sarah takes time to attend workshops and classes annually that help her to improve and hone her writing craft. She is a graduate of the Institute of Children's Literature program and her writing has been acclaimed by ACFW and ECPA.
Institute of Children's Literature, Art Institute of Phoenix (Advertising), University of California Irvine (Theater), Snow College (Early Childhood Education)
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