Lifestyle & Human Interest

Kindhearted Stranger Pays Dinner Tab for Group of 11 Teenagers Heading to Prom


Prom night is supposed to be amazing. The gowns, the tuxedos, the corsages and boutonnières — the night is a fairy tale come true.

For one group of teens from Maryland, prom night became all the more amazing when a kindhearted stranger started the night off on the right foot.

And no, the stranger didn’t ask the teens to dance, but she did make their evening completely unforgettable from the moment their dinner began.

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The group of 11 teens from Clarksburg High School were running behind. They had reservations at Ted’s Bulletin, a family restaurant chain with locations in Virginia, Washington DC, and Maryland.

The fact that the group was rushing could have put a damper on their night. Instead, they walked into that restaurant at just the right time.

No sooner had they settled at their table than their waiter, Antonio, shared some amazing news: A woman he regularly waited on had seen the group walk in and had been moved.

“She asked him which tables he had that night but said we were his only table,” one of the teens, Therese de Leon, told WTTG. “She told him that we looked absolutely stunning and offered to pay for our dinner — anything we wanted.”

Has a stranger ever paid for your meal?

Paying for 11 dinners would be expensive for anyone! According to de Leon, they thought the waiter was joking with them.

But they soon learned this was no laughing matter — unless they were laughing from joy. They were so surprised that de Leon said their “jaws dropped.”

Though Antonio was supposed to keep the woman anonymous, he was so moved by her kindness that he couldn’t keep his lips sealed.

The group of prom-bound teens met and thanked the woman on their way out, and even posed for a photo, which de Leon posted on Twitter. “Never thought this would happen to me…” de Leon wrote in her tweet.

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“What we will never forget were the kind words she left with us,” de Leon shared with WTTG. “Before we left her table she reminded us to ‘always love ourselves’ and to remember that ‘we are beautiful inside and out.'”

Clarksburg High School praised the stranger too, tweeting, “There are still good people in this world!” Yes, indeed!

While memories of what they wore or who they danced with may fade, there’s no doubt this woman and her kindness will stay in their hearts for years to come!

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Sarah Carri is an avid reader and social media guru with a passion for truth and life. Her writing has previously been published in print and online by Focus on the Family and other well known media outlets. Her experience in ministry and Disney entertainment gives her a unique perspective on such topics.
Sarah Carri is an avid reader and social media guru with a passion for truth and life. Her writing has previously been published in print and online by Focus on the Family and other well known media outlets. Her experience in ministry and Disney entertainment gives her a unique perspective on such topics.

Sarah's experience as a successful working stay-at-home mom and business owner has given her the chance to write and research often. She stays up to date on the latest in entertainment and offers her views on celebrity stories based on her wide knowledge of the industry. Her success as a former preschool teacher and licensed daycare provider lend to her know-how on topics relating to parenting and childhood education.

Her thoughts on faith and family issues stem from home life and ministry work. Sarah takes time to attend workshops and classes annually that help her to improve and hone her writing craft. She is a graduate of the Institute of Children's Literature program and her writing has been acclaimed by ACFW and ECPA.
Institute of Children's Literature, Art Institute of Phoenix (Advertising), University of California Irvine (Theater), Snow College (Early Childhood Education)
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