Lifestyle & Human Interest

Overweight Pig Donated Back to Livestock Auction for Heartwarming Reason


A 17-year-old Michigan teenager wiped away tears as her 4-H pig was auctioned off not just once, but twice, with all the proceeds going to benefit a family battling terminal cancer.

Carly Dunham, 17, spent months raising her pig for the annual 4-H livestock auction only to find that her animal was overweight and therefore not eligible for sale.

But Carly desperately wanted to sell her pig anyway, and when the fair administration at the Montcalm County 4-H Livestock Auction in Greenville, Michigan, found out why, they agreed to make an exception.

Family friend Dana Saboo, married with four young children, was recently diagnosed with stage four stomach cancer.

Carly, with a heart that is perhaps as generously sized as her pig, wanted to find a way to help the Saboo family.

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“I had this idea that I wanted to give all the money that my pig raised to Dana Saboo and her family,” Carly told Michigan news outlet Daily News.

“I just thought this could maybe help them out in some way.”

The fair auctioneer officials agreed to auction Carly’s pig, explaining to the crowd why the 315-lb pig had been allowed into the sale.

Jason Clark, who auctioned Carly’s pig, was filled with pride over the generosity his community showed as the price for the overweight pig climbed higher and higher.

“So as most of the Hogs were selling from that $2.50 to $4 a pound area my first number was 5 bucks a pound and when about five hands went in the air I knew we were in business,” Clark explained on Facebook.

As Carly stood in front of the crowd holding a photo of her pig, she became overwhelmed with emotion. She was going to have a lot of money to give away.

“When the bidding quit it sold for $24 a pound to Weisen Powder Coat Co. and the whole building exploded with cheering, the best part is the they donated it back to sell again and it brought $20 a pound on the second time and was sold to Meijer,” Clark wrote.

“It was a true honor to be able to sell this hog for the family. And I applaud this young lady for doing such a thing and my prayers go out to her and her family.”

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Carly ended up with a total of $13,545 for the Saboo family, leaving the recipients so overwhelmed with gratitude that words scarcely seemed like enough to express how they felt.

“Carly, thanks doesn’t seem enough for what you did with your pig,” Duke Saboo, Dana’s husband, wrote on Facebook. “Thank you for thinking of our family, it means so much to us.”

“You make me want to be a better person, everyone that does something for the family does.”

Carly was impressed with just how much money her pig was able to garner, thanks to a community who rallied behind her kindhearted, selfless gesture.

“I’m happy. Everything feels pretty good right now,” Carly said. “I had no idea that they were going to sell for that much money.”

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A graduate of Grand Canyon University, Kim Davis has been writing for The Western Journal since 2015, focusing on lifestyle stories.
Kim Davis began writing for The Western Journal in 2015. Her primary topics cover family, faith, and women. She has experience as a copy editor for the online publication Thoughtful Women. Kim worked as an arts administrator for The Phoenix Symphony, writing music education curriculum and leading community engagement programs throughout the region. She holds a degree in music education from Grand Canyon University with a minor in eating tacos.
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