
5 Helpful Tips To Make Sure You Always Pick Sweetest Watermelon at the Store


The perfect summertime treat is a bowl of juicy watermelon. There’s just something so satisfying about sitting poolside and tasting something so sweet and fresh.

Some people like to squeeze lime juice over it. Others sprinkle cotija cheese and mint over it. There are some who even throw salt over theirs. I’m a personal fan of simple, unaltered watermelon, just as God intended.

Perfectly ripe watermelon
Watermelon is a perfect summertime treat. (Shutterstock)

No matter how you like to eat your watermelon, picking out the perfect one can be a challenge. I have been disheartened many times when cutting into a watermelon to find that it was either under-ripe or over-ripe.

An over-ripe melon will be too mushy while an under-ripe one will be too dry, but since this wonderful pink fruit is encased in a striped green rind, it’s almost impossible to figure out whether or not a watermelon is perfect. Almost.

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To avoid the gamble, try these tricks to distinguish whether or not you’ll be in watermelon bliss:

1. Listen to your watermelon.

No. A watermelon won’t speak to you, but if you pick one up and knock, the sounds that come through the melon can “speak” volumes.

If the melon sounds dull or like a ping, it’s probably not ripe. Listen for a deep, hollow sound!

A young boy knocks on watermelon
Knock on a watermelon to tell if it’s ripe. (Shutterstock)

2. Compare weights of similar sized melons.

A ripe watermelon is filled with more water than one that is not quite right.

Pick up and compare melons of similar size; the heavier it is, the more likely it is to be juicy and sweet.

Watermelons surrounding a scale
Ripe watermelons are heavier than under-ripe melons of similar size.
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3. Pay attention to the field spot.

According to The Farmer’s Almanac, if the spot where it was laying on the ground is white, it is not ready yet.

A yellow or orange spot indicates that a watermelon is ready to eat!

4. Don’t skip over the watermelons with “webbing.”

If a watermelon has brown spots that look like vines or spider webs, don’t skip over it!

It’s not as pretty, but those little brown webs are a good sign! It’s a result of pollination which means your watermelon will be sweeter, according to Shared.

5. Look at the stem.

If a watermelon still has the stem attached, it can help you greatly in your watermelon choosing venture.

If the stem, or tendril, is green, it means that the watermelon was picked too soon and may never reach ripeness. If it is dried and shriveled up, then it means the melon is ready to eat!

Dried up watermelon stem
If the stem is dried up, it means a watermelon is ripe. (Shutterstock)

With these five tips, you should be living in watermelon bliss! Happy picking!

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Kayla has been a staff writer for The Western Journal since 2018.
Kayla Kunkel began writing for The Western Journal in 2018.
Lifetime Member of the Girl Scouts
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