
Owner Drop Kicks Bear To Save Little Dog's Life After Finding Him in Bear's Mouth


Bears are interesting creatures. They are fierce and often large, but many of them run faster than humans and can even climb trees. The thought of being close to a bear is a scary thought.

However, even bears need their playtime, like when three bear cubs took over a golf course.

In Anchorage, Alaska, one man observed three cubs wrestling with one another and trying to steal the flag stick from the course. They were just having some good fun!

While some bears are less harmful than others, some are truly menacing.

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According to WOFL Fox 35, Brandy and David Fulghum of Oviedo, Florida, were recently going about their Monday morning when an unexpected turn-of-events happened.

David was about to leave for work when he discovered a bear and two cubs on their porch.

When David opened the door, however, their little Yorkie-Bichon mix named Gator bolted out to try to protect his family from the bears.

“He’s a little dog who thought he was huge, but he’s little,” Brandy said.

David ran outside to find his beloved dog in a bear’s mouth. So he did what his first reaction told him to do — he drop-kicked the bear right there, and the bear dropped Gator out of its mouth.

“He had a big hole in his side and we didn’t know at the time it was his intestines outside of his, his stomach,” Brandy said.

David immediately rushed Gator to the vet, where he underwent surgery.

Gator had become David’s best friend when his father passed away, followed by his son last year.

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“He’s like his therapy dog. When his dad passed away, he was there. our son died in June of last year, so he’s been his best friend,” Brandy said.

Although the little dog is now doing well, there is still a risk for these next few days. Their vet bills cost over $12,000 — if you would like to donate to little Gator’s bills, head over to the Fulghum’s GoFundMe page.

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Erin Shortall is an editorial intern for The Western Journal. She is currently finishing her Bachelor's Degree at Grove City College. She has a passion for homeless ministry in her home city of Philadelphia, PA.
Erin Shortall is an editorial intern for The Western Journal. She is currently finishing her Bachelor's Degree at Grove City College. She has a major in English, minors in both Writing and Communication Studies, and a Technical Writing concentration. She is currently working on designing and writing a book of poetry to financially support a new homeless ministry of Grove City, PA called Beloved Mercy Ministry. In her spare time, she loves to sing, play piano, exercise, traverse cities, and find the cutest coffee shops. She also has a passion for homeless ministry in her home city of Philadelphia, PA.
Philadelphia, PA
Scholarship of Academic Achievement and Moral Character
Grove City College
Grove City, PA
Languages Spoken
English, Spanish
Topics of Expertise
Visual Design, Document Design, Technical Communication, Literature, Computer Ethics

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