
Age 72 Woman Digs Up Road To Try and Save Lifelong Church from Flooding


A 72-year-old woman is on a quest to save the church she has known and loved almost all of her life.

Maribeth Bean has been attending Fruitridge Christian Church in South Sacremento, California, since she was 5 years old, according to KTXL.

Bean is doing her part to make sure that Fruitridge does not succumb to a water leak that seems to be taking over the church.

The water system at the church has sprung a leak and Bean is working to find it by digging up the ground around the water pipes.

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Trying to get the leak fixed has been a challenge for Fruitridge as contractors have quoted $9,000-$10,000 to try an fix it — much more than the church can afford.

Bean decided to take matters into her own hands by beginning the extensive digging project all on her own.

She has, however, received a helping hand in her efforts from people passing by that have stopped to dig in, including some homeless people.

Bean, who is a retired utility worker with a bad back, wasn’t discouraged by the size of the project or the time it may take to uncover the water leak.

“I don’t want this church to die because I think it’s really important in this neighborhood,” she told KTXL.

The leak has been going on for weeks, creating a devastating flooding situation that could damage the church.

While Bean has contacted the local water district, it has proved hopeless as the city says the leak is the responsibility of the church to fix.

To help with the efforts, Bean shuts off the water to the church unless someone is inside, but this is still posing a problem with the massive amounts of water leakage during use.

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Bean hopes to locate the leak and fix the problem with the help of another Good Samaritan.

“We’ll either fix it ourselves or we’ll find another angel that can help us,” she told KTXL.

You have to hand it to Bean. She took matters into her own hands and did the only thing she could to save the church — dig.

Luckily for Bean, Fig’s Plumbing came to the rescue and volunteered to fix the leak for free, KTXL reported.

Bean saved her beloved church and definitely showed she has the heart and determination to get things done in the name of faith.

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Dawn is a writer from Milwaukee who loves the art of crafting copy. She has experience in marketing and worked as editor-in-chief of a monthly B2B magazine where she honed her writing skills. No matter the topic or audience, she has a story to tell.
Dawn is a writer from Milwaukee who loves the art of crafting copy. She has previously worked in marketing and as as editor-in-chief of a monthly B2B magazine where she honed her writing skills. She enjoys the art of captivating readers and making them come back time and time again for more. No matter the topic or audience, she has a story to tell. Whether it’s an article, newsletter, news release or web content, she's done it.
BA, University of Wisconsin - Whitewater
Waukesha, Wisconsin
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