
Rosie the Talking Parrot Can't Get Enough of Her Favorite Motorcycle


Who doesn’t like to take to the open road? The wind in your hair. The feel of the road. An unknown destination ahead. For one lucky parrot, it’s a chance to feel alive and like a part of the great outdoors.

Rosie, a parrot, has found her love of the road all with the help of her owner Dan, according to WLKY.

Dan’s a motorcycle enthusiast, and Rosie is his lovable sidekick.

The two take to the highways together, with Dan on his bike and Rosie along for the ride.

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Dan has converted his motorcycle to fit a sidecar just for Rosie. The little perch protects her so she, too, can feel the wind in her feathers.

Prior to the sidecar perch, Dan let Rosie ride on the handlebars of his bike. But with a hydraulic clutch added to the bike, the handlebars got too hot for Rosie to bear.

That’s when Dan came up with the idea to modify his motorcycle to include the little sidecar for his talkative feathered friend.

The two are inseparable and hit the road together every chance they get.

“It doesn’t matter how fast or far I go, she’ll ride there,” Dan told WLKY.

Dan and Rosie have driven thousands of miles together along the roads of Cincinnati, Ohio. They have been riding together for nearly 20 years.

Rosie loves the journey and her sidecar that is emblazoned with the phrase “Live. Ride. Fly.” which pretty much sums up the plight of the parrot.

Dan knows how much his motorcycle means to Rosie and never leaves home without his wing man. Rosie can ride for hours at a time – enjoying every minute of her time with Dan.

Even though Rosie has clipped wings, Dan has made it possible for her to continue to fly with her feathers waving in the wind and the sun shining down on her head.

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Would you take your parrot on a motorcycle ride?

When Dan was asked if Rosie likes to ride, he told WLKY, “She didn’t say she didn’t!”

The pair has plenty of roads left to travel and together they will continue to share many more adventures.

Keep riding Rosie. The world needs more birds like you!

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Dawn is a writer from Milwaukee who loves the art of crafting copy. She has experience in marketing and worked as editor-in-chief of a monthly B2B magazine where she honed her writing skills. No matter the topic or audience, she has a story to tell.
Dawn is a writer from Milwaukee who loves the art of crafting copy. She has previously worked in marketing and as as editor-in-chief of a monthly B2B magazine where she honed her writing skills. She enjoys the art of captivating readers and making them come back time and time again for more. No matter the topic or audience, she has a story to tell. Whether it’s an article, newsletter, news release or web content, she's done it.
BA, University of Wisconsin - Whitewater
Waukesha, Wisconsin
Languages Spoken
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