
Cop's Body Cam Captures Intense Rescue of 2 Unconscious Teens Trapped in Burning Car


Car accidents are a terrifying reality of the modern age we live in. With so many people on the roads and so many distractions — not even just cell phones, but music and kids, too — crashes are inevitable.

But that doesn’t make them any less scary or painful. When they do happen, we’re grateful for the police officers and paramedics that show up to help us through it.

In this situation, the police couldn’t have been in a more perfect place to help a group of teens in a horrific accident. The cause is unclear, but the footage of the wreck is chilling.

Milwaukee police officers Nicholas Schlei and Nicholas Reid were running their patrol when a Pontiac Grand Am spun out of control, crossed the median into oncoming traffic, and slammed into a pole. It overturned from the impact and burst into flames.

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One of the teens was able to escape by smashing through a window with his foot, but you can hear him screaming “somebody else in there!” multiple times.

The driver and one other passenger were unconscious.

Reid and Schlei had to act fast. From one of their body cams, you can see the officer dragging the body of a young male, telling people to stay away because the car is on fire.

“I knew the car had the potential to become engulfed but at the time that’s not what we were thinking,” Schlei said.

According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, the officers pulled the boys out in less than 60 seconds.

“It feels like a lot longer when you’re doing it though,” Schlei commented. The boys were taken to the nearby hospital; their conditions have not been released.

The two officers are known as “The Nick Squad” and graduated from the police training academy in Milwaukee in 2014. They’ve been partners in District 4 for two years.

The driver, when out of the hospital, will be charged with reckless driving and cited for failure to yield.

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At least no other cars were involved and everyone in the car made it through, if only a little worse for wear.

Schlei and Reid have been hailed as heroes, but Reid was quick to comment that, “I think that officers just like us, and at every Milwaukee police district station, even across the country, they would do the same thing.”

“Because that’s why we joined and that’s why we’re cops.” He continues, “To help save someone, there’s no better feeling.”

We send our prayers to the boys recovering and hope that God blesses these officers for their courage and bravery.

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