
Clever Cops Captured on Video Luring Giant Pig Back Home with Bag of Doritos


Cops get called to deal with a lot of random situations. They witness both heartbreaking and mundane scenarios, but they always have to be ready for the unexpected — like finding a giant pig wandering around.

While seeing swine in the streets is definitely more odd in some neighborhoods than others, this was a novelty even for the Highland neighborhood in San Bernardino County, California.

The mottled pig caused some trouble Saturday morning as he picked his way through yards and across streets. The Highland Police Station received multiple calls about the piggy presence and went out to investigate.

Sure enough, there was a pig — a very big pig, too — strolling along. He was clearly someone’s pet and wasn’t afraid of the cops who showed up to deal with him.

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“Well if this doesn’t go on the list of unusual calls… ?,” the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department posted on Instagram. “Highland Station received a call reference a pig ‘the size of a mini horse’ ?? running around the neighborhood.

“Deputy Ponce and Deputy Berg found him and due to previous calls, knew where he lived.” The last thing to figure out was how to get the pony-sized pig back home. Picking him up clearly wasn’t going to work and, at his size, he wasn’t going to go anywhere he didn’t want to.

So they took stock of what they had on hand and found a suitable bribe. “They lured him back home with @Doritos one of our deputies had in her lunch bag ?,” the post continued.

Have you seen any interesting animals wandering through your neighborhood?

“They made a trail and he followed. ‘We were able to put him back in and secure the gate. It was fun!’ Deputy Ponce (said).” The giant pig ambled along amicably, seemingly happy to have snacks and company.

“Crime fighting to safely securing a mini horse sized pig, we do it all,” the post concluded.

The sheriff’s department posted an “incident report” on Facebook as well, adding in some details after receiving a barrage of questions.

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“UPDATE- Following some questions we received, here are some updates: The Doritos used to lure the pig back were the Poppin Jalapeños.”

“We are unsure of the pig’s name, but our deputies affectionately nicknamed him ‘Smalls.'” And in a follow-up comment below, they also acknowledged their gratitude to the commenters: “Thanks for all the love guys! And for taking it easy on us with the pig jokes.”

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