
Kamala Harris Slammed for 'Truly Sick' Insult to 9/11 Families on Eve of Attack Anniversary


You know you have entered Orwellian territory when establishment operatives repeat their most obvious lies with this much brazenness.

During Tuesday’s presidential debate — conducted on the eve of the 23rd anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks — Vice President Kamala Harris had the unmitigated gall to parrot grotesque establishment propaganda by describing the Capitol incursion of Jan. 6, 2021, as “the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.”

That comment aroused a legion of critics on social media, including one person who called Harris “truly sick.”

Indeed, the establishment’s entire Jan. 6 “insurrection” narrative springs from a sickness that one can only describe in spiritual terms.

For no better purpose than the consolidation of power and the criminalization of dissent over the corrupt 2020 presidential election, demon-possessed establishment operatives imprisoned political opponents based on a diabolical “insurrection” narrative that ignores credible evidence of sinister roles played by the FBI, Ray Epps and a dubious pipe-bomb story.

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President Joe Biden, in fact, has regularly perpetuated Jan. 6-related lies. On Tuesday, Harris merely continued that dark tradition.

In the present totalitarian atmosphere, however, most of us can manage only so much outrage at once.

Thus, reactions on the social media platform X tended to focus on the appalling timing of Harris’s comment in light of the Sept. 11 anniversary, as opposed to the appalling claim itself.

“BREAKING: Tomorrow is the 23rd anniversary of 9/11, and Kamala Harris just said January 6th was worse Thousands of people were murdered on that day, and only Trump supporters were shot or beaten on J6 She’s truly sick!” one X user wrote.

Another X user called Harris’s comment “insane.”

Similar comments came from prominent conservatives like Donald Trump Jr., women’s sports advocate Riley Gaines and Jack Posobiec of Human Events.

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In a functioning constitutional republic free of censorship, Harris’s comment alone would disqualify her from holding office.

Do you remember where you were on 9/11?

Alas, we do not live in a functioning constitutional republic. We live in a globalist-dominated oligarchy where millions of slumbering Americans inhabit an Orwellian reality.

The fact that Harris made that comment without fear of pushback from debate moderators highlights the seriousness of our plight.

After all, when obvious lies pass as conventional establishment wisdom, what can honest people do?

At this point, our best bet is to pray that voters awaken to those lies by Election Day.

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Michael Schwarz holds a Ph.D. in History and has taught at multiple colleges and universities. He has published one book and numerous essays on Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and the Early U.S. Republic. He loves dogs, baseball, and freedom. After meandering spiritually through most of early adulthood, he has rediscovered his faith in midlife and is eager to continue learning about it from the great Christian thinkers.
Michael Schwarz holds a Ph.D. in History and has taught at multiple colleges and universities. He has published one book and numerous essays on Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and the Early U.S. Republic. He loves dogs, baseball, and freedom. After meandering spiritually through most of early adulthood, he has rediscovered his faith in midlife and is eager to continue learning about it from the great Christian thinkers.

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