
Justice Neil Gorsuch Sends Biden a Warning About Proposed Supreme Court Changes: 'Be Careful'


The cacophony of nonsense emanating from the Biden administration in recent years can make one forget how true statesmanship sounds.

Then, when one hears the real thing, it almost seems as if the speaker stepped out of another era.

In an interview with “Fox News Sunday” host Shannon Bream, Supreme Court Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch spoke with the gravitas of history’s greatest constitutional minds when he explained why President Joe Biden and his fellow Constitution-wrecking Democrats should “be careful” before they undermine the principles of an independent judiciary.

Last week, Biden announced a major proposal for overhauling the Supreme Court. In addition to a constitutional amendment overturning SCOTUS’ July 1 presidential immunity ruling, Biden called for term limits and a “binding code of conduct.”

The proposal, which has no chance of adoption, amounted to a 2024 campaign statement. Having destroyed the nation through open borders and brought the globe to the brink of World War III, Biden’s installed successor, Vice President Kamala Harris, has nothing on which to campaign besides identity politics and the oft-repeated lie that their political opponents pose a threat to democracy.

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Furthermore, no sane person believes that the cognitively impaired Biden actually wrote the proposal. Thus, the attack on SCOTUS amounted to nothing more than Democrat operatives’ latest attempt to push their “threat to democracy” narrative by linking SCOTUS to former President Donald Trump, object of unprecedented persecution by a tyrannical administration and the only candidate who can restore democracy by smashing the deep state.

In any event, Gorsuch avoided the political context while speaking with Bream.

Instead, the Trump-appointed justice made perhaps the strongest possible argument for an independent judiciary.

“I have one thought to add,” Gorsuch said in a clip posted to the social media platform X.

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“It is that the independent judiciary means — what does it mean to you as an American? — it means that when you’re unpopular you can get a fair hearing under the law and under the Constitution.”


But wait, Democrats and the establishment media have told us to find salvation in democracy. And that means rule by the majority, correct?

“If you’re in the majority, you don’t need judges and juries to hear you and protect your rights. You’re popular,” Gorsuch explained.

So members of a ruling majority can behave like tyrants after all? And an independent judiciary should protect you from the most diabolical excesses of democracy?

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“It’s there for the moments when the spotlight’s on you, when the government’s coming after you,” Gorsuch said of an independent judiciary.

“And don’t you want a ferociously independent judge and a jury of your peers to make those decisions? Isn’t that your right as an American?” he asked.

With that in mind, Gorsuch gave anti-Constitution Democrats a closing warning: “Be careful.”

Imagine, unpopular people have rights, and elected majorities cannot simply do anything they please.

Democrats and the establishment have spent decades undermining those basic principles of American constitutionalism. Everything they do, including the removal of monuments to the Founding Fathers, serves the sinister goal of eliminating obstacles to government power.

Thus, when a brilliant constitutional mind like Gorsuch channels his inner James Madison, it can be a sight to behold.

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Michael Schwarz holds a Ph.D. in History and has taught at multiple colleges and universities. He has published one book and numerous essays on Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and the Early U.S. Republic. He loves dogs, baseball, and freedom. After meandering spiritually through most of early adulthood, he has rediscovered his faith in midlife and is eager to continue learning about it from the great Christian thinkers.
Michael Schwarz holds a Ph.D. in History and has taught at multiple colleges and universities. He has published one book and numerous essays on Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and the Early U.S. Republic. He loves dogs, baseball, and freedom. After meandering spiritually through most of early adulthood, he has rediscovered his faith in midlife and is eager to continue learning about it from the great Christian thinkers.

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