
Just-Released Bank Records Show Joe Biden Received Monthly Payments from Hunter's Business Entity


A business operated by Hunter Biden made monthly payments to President Joe Biden, House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer said Monday.

To back up his words, Comer released a partially redacted September 2018 bank record he said was subpoenaed by the committee that showed $1,318 flowing from Owaso PC to Joe Biden. The money in the Owasco PC account had its origins in China.

A release on the committee’s page noted that “Hunter Biden is currently under an investigation by the Department of Justice for using the Owasco PC corporate account for tax evasion and other serious crimes.”

The release added that “Hunter Biden’s business account, Owasco PC, received payments from Chinese-state-linked companies and other foreign nationals and companies.”

The release alleged that the bank records are proof Joe Biden was involved in his son’s businesses, despite Joe Biden’s past denials, saying they are “part of a pattern revealing Joe Biden knew about, participated in, and benefited from his family’s influence-peddling schemes.”

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The committee posted a video to X in which Comer sought to explain the panel’s finding.

“President Joe Biden claimed there was an ‘absolute wall’ between his official government duties and his family’s influence-peddling schemes. This was a lie,” Comer said.

“President Joe Biden claimed his family didn’t receive money from China. This was a lie. President Joe Biden claimed he never spoke to his son, Hunter Biden, about the Biden family’s shady business dealings. This was a lie,” Comer added.

“Now, Hunter Biden’s legal team and the White House’s media allies claim Hunter’s corporate entities never made payments directly to Joe Biden. We can officially add this latest talking point to the list of lies,” Comer said, referring to the subpoenaed bank records.

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“This wasn’t a payment from Hunter Biden’s personal account but an account for his corporation that received payments from China and other shady corners of the world,” Comer said.

“We’ve revealed how Joe Biden received checks from his family that were funded by the Bidens’ influence peddling schemes — with China no less. The House Oversight Committee continues to investigate Joe Biden’s involvement in his family’s domestic and international business schemes at a rapid pace,” Comer said.

“President Biden and his family must be held accountable for this blatant corruption,” Comer concluded.

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Last week, the panel released an email from a bank investigator who noted concerns over money coming to Hunter Biden from China, according to a release on the website of the House Oversight Committee.

“Long before our investigation into President Biden’s corruption, a bank money laundering investigator raised the exact concerns that we raised publicly about the Biden family business,” Comer said in the release.

The panel released the redacted text of the June 2018 email on its website.

“These payments were Indicated as management reimbursements. We find It unusual that approximately 58% of the funds were transferred to the law firm In a few months and the frequency of payments appear erratic. It was also previously indicated that HUDSON WEST III LLC does not currently have any investment projects at this time, which raises further concerns as millions in fees are being paid but does not appear to have any services rendered by Owasco PC,” the bank official wrote.

Referencing “recent negative news” indicating “China targeting children of politicians and purchase of political Influence through ‘sweetheart deals.’” The official noted, “Hunter Biden’s $1.5 billion dollar deal with the Chinese-State to establish a private-equity firm In which they manage the funds over time and make huge fees” before concluding that “the activity on the account appears unusual with no current business purpose.”

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Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
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