
Jr High Teacher Arrested for Allegedly Trying To Traffic Girl to Multiple Men


A Texas junior high school teacher was arrested Wednesday for allegedly trying to traffic a girl for sex to multiple men in Morocco.

Amber Michelle Parker, 37, was arrested on human trafficking charges after allegedly trying to “traffic a minor child to multiple male subjects online,” Freestone County Sheriff Jeremy Shipley said, according to a Wednesday report from Waco Tribune-Herald.

The eighth-grade reading teacher reportedly posted pictures of the girl in lingerie and exposing her breasts on various social media sites to look for men interested in the minor.

The girl was also marketed as a virgin, according to KBTX.

“Family members got wind that Parker was going to try to lure this girl to Morocco,” McLennan County Sheriff Parnell McNamara said, according to the Tribune-Herald. “It is a dastardly story, and it is trafficking at its worst.”

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Parker traveled to Morocco in mid-December and returned on New Year’s Day, the Tribune-Herald reported. The girl was not taken on the trip.

Mexia Junior High School in Mexia, Texas, placed Parker on administrative leave Wednesday afternoon once the school heard about the allegation and arrest, according to the Tribune-Herald.

“The district continues to monitor the situation and feels no students at Mexia Junior High were ever at risk,” Mexia Independent School District Superintendent Lyle DuBus said, the Tribune-Herald reported.

Parker is on bond for $25,000, according to KBTX.

The U.S. Department of State reported in 2014 between 600,000 and 800,000 adults and children were trafficked across international borders per year.

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