
Jon Voight Declares 'This Is War,' Calls Trump 'Highest Noble Man' in Viral Video Sure To Offend All of Hollywood


Academy Award-winning actor Jon Voight is no stranger to leftist hatred, and his viral video tweeted on Thursday is sure to anger the outrage mob once again.

As one of the few open supporters of President Donald Trump in Hollywood, Voight has rallied a following of conservatives hungry to see ideological diversity in their entertainment.

Hopefully, the left will take his words to heart and have a long look in the mirror.

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“War — this is war against truths,” Voight began.

“This is a war against the highest noble man who has defended our country and made us safe and great again,” he said, referring to Trump.

“Let me stand with our president, let us all stand with our President Trump in a time of such evil words trying for impeachment. This is a crime that the left are trying to force.”

“This is a disgrace by such ignorant followers that have no truth of what truly has been brought back to our country. We have gained greatness, we have gained jobs, we have gained more than any president has promised.”

Is the left committed to truth?

“This radical left are destructive,” he added. “Their codes of what is supposed to be are corrupt with lies, deceits and anger. And, we ask why. We ask how: How can a human being have such anger toward the greatness of our country’s glory.”

Voight had an answer.

“I’ll tell you why. Because for so long their anger has been growing, and with such deep pain, with no open heart of loving and seeing the truth,” he said.

“The truth of what truly matters is the productivity of what was promised, and what we the American people of the United States were promised and have received. And what does the radical left do for such greatness? They want to destroy.”

“They want civilization to be run like a corrupt ring.”

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Voight concluded his video by once again calling on viewers to stand with the president.

“I say stand now with Trump. Let truth prevail. And may God show all the truth. That we are truly a nation stronger because of our president.”

“The left are afraid, for their power is lessening with every deal that is accomplished by Donald Trump. In the name of God, and his power for this nation, let us stay strong — and without such evil among us. God bless.”

Voight’s assessment of the left is exactly right. Leftists are so consumed with blind hatred for Trump that they are willing to overlook any bit of truth that halts their impeachment efforts.

The Russia collusion narrative died with the release of former special counsel Robert Mueller’s report, so the Democrats shifted to obstruction of justice.

Since Mueller’s report also failed to determine that obstruction of justice occurred (which the Democrats conveniently ignore), they thought they finally found something to hang Trump with.

That turned out to be a shady report from a third-party source about a phone call between Trump and the president of Ukraine. The whistleblower complaint and transcript of the phone call have since been released to the public, despite Democrats clamoring about some sort of cover-up.

Shameful politics and egregious reporting by the media have since fanned the flames of impeachment, and conservatives Voight have had enough.

The left is perpetually outraged, and as long as Trump sits in the White House, it will not end.

He could sign a universal health care bill, open the borders and declare the NRA a terrorist organization, and he’d still fail to appease the radical left.

They are not committed to truth. They are only committed to hatred and power.

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Cade graduated Lyon College with a BA in Political Science in 2019, and has since acted as an assignment editor with The Western Journal. He is a Christian first, conservative second.
Cade graduated Lyon College with a BA in Political Science in 2019, and has since acted as an assignment editor with The Western Journal. He is a Christian first, conservative second.
BA Political Science, Lyon College (2019)

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