
Jared Kushner: Good for America, Bad for the Obstructionist Left


Jared Kushner is no stranger to the relentless and biased attacks of the mainstream media. In what has proven to be a thankless job, Kushner’s accomplishments are constantly buried, overlooked and spun by the left — an issue that is prevalent when said accomplishments don’t support the leftist agenda.

In his time as a senior advisor to the president of the United States, Kushner has been successful in making large strides for our country and the people in it. Kushner has played a crucial role in securing the Olympic and FIFA bids, reworking NAFTA, bringing jobs to the U.S. and driving Trump’s prison reform bill, The First Step Act.

In the West Wing, Kushner runs the Office of American Innovation, which was created by the Trump administration in 2017. Its purpose is to “make recommendations to the president on policies and plans that improve government operations and services, improve the quality of life for Americans now and in the future, and spur job creation.”

The OAI was acknowledged by the International Olympic Committee, saying in a statement that “the White House Office of American Innovation and the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives have been true partners throughout,” in reference to the integral role Trump and his administration played in securing the 2028 Olympics for Los Angeles — a feat that Former President Barack Obama failed to conquer.

Hosting the Olympics in the U.S. will bring a multitude of benefits to our country, including increased tourism, free publicity from national and international reporters, the attraction of investors, and the creation of new jobs. However, the Olympics are not the only major sporting event that will create economic advancements thanks to Kushner. He also worked closely with America’s allies to ensure the bid for the World Cup was secure, leading to a success in bringing the tournament to North America in 2026. Though the leftist media seemed all too sure that the Trump administration would botch this opportunity, Kushner pulled through nonetheless. He even attained the support of Saudi Arabia, despite their likelihood to back another country such as Morocco. This was due to the fact that Kushner approached Saudi Arabia for their support long before any other contenders.

Kushner has also had success in fields that expand far beyond the securing of major international sporting events. When it came time for the Trump administration to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement, Kushner was at the forefront. Robert Lighthizer, the current United States Trade Representative, praised Kushner’s work on the bill, telling reporters: “I’ve said before, and I’ll say again, this agreement would not have happened if it wasn’t for Jared.” Kushner has built and maintained a close relationship with Mexico, even receiving the Order of the Aztec Eagle — the highest honor that can be given to foreigners from the Mexican president — for his work on the agreement.

When it comes to negotiations, Kushner knows what he’s doing. In one of his most recent — and biggest — deals, Kushner worked to establish the Foxconn Technology Group Project, which will include a $10 billion investment from the Taiwanese manufacturer, and is set to create 13,000 jobs. Bringing jobs to the U.S. has been a frequent promise made by Trump, and Kushner has been key in helping to keep that promise, just as he has helped keep the promise that Trump has made to help the everyday American and the struggles they face.

In an effort to reform our criminal justice system, Kushner worked hard to get the First Step Act developed and passed. The bipartisan bill, which was passed with overwhelming support, will create major incentives for participating in programs, develop and expand life-changing classes that will focus on preparing individuals for reintroduction into their communities, move inmates closer to home as to limit the disruption of their families’ lives, as well as address many other issues that are acknowledged in the legislation. The issues in our criminal justice and prison systems, especially the disproportionate impact on black families and communities, are a common talking point for the left, yet they have been slow to give praise to, or even acknowledge, Kushner and the Trump administration for this effort and success.

So why is it that the left seems to have a personal vendetta out for Kushner, making him the target of journalistic attacks and the focus of harsh rhetoric? Why is it that the left doesn’t see, or chooses to ignore, the great accomplishments of this patriot? Kushner stands in the way of the leftist agenda by working to create a system that helps the people, instead of the government — making him a threat to the left.

This administration has put its focus on creating opportunities for the people instead of conceptualizing and implementing ways to keep them government-reliant. It is natural for a side that is riddled with hypocrisy to hate the idea of intellectual consistency, the keeping of promises, and most importantly, integrity — qualities with which Kushner is familiar.

Alex Spencer grew up in Burlington, Vermont and spent most of her young adult years as a radical leftist. Since moving to LA and being exposed to different viewpoints, she has become a passionate conservative, working as a social media marketer, production manager and influencer in the political sphere. Alex has recently relocated and accepted a job with Turning Point USA as an influencer and production administrator. She looks forward to spreading free-market ideas and the diversity of thought within the culture.

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