
Ivanka Harassed While Visiting New York School, Protesters Shout Out 'Shame'


As Ivanka Trump met Monday with employers adding jobs in Central New York State, about 30 demonstrators marched in protest of the Trump administration’s immigration policies.

The protesters chanted “shame” and “what about the children?” outside Central High School in Syraucse, reported.

U.S. Rep. John Katko, the Republican who represents the district, was also criticized by protesters, who were joined by Democrat Dana Balter, who is running against Katko this fall.

Later, after a roundtable discussion at Central High about technology and work force development programs at the school, Trump met with officials at Suit-Kote, a paving company, to talk about jobs.

“Across the country, businesses large and small, 6 million Americans have already directly benefited from wage increases or bonuses due to tax reform,” she said during the meeting in the suburban town of Tully.

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“So this is happening, this is happening in real time and it’s now kicking in,” she said, according to the Binghamton Press and Sun-Bulletin.

One business leader praised tax reform.

“We started planning for tax reform six months before,” said Frank Suits, who owns the company. “This isn’t complicated stuff. You let people keep a little bit more of the money that they make and let them put the capitalistic society to work.”

Suits later said he was impressed by Trump’s knowledge.

“Her questions were actually very specific about different types of equipment and what they do and where they’re made. She talked to a few of our mechanics that were busy repairing them in quite extensive detail. I was very impressed,” he said, according to WBGH.

U.S. Rep. Claudia Tenney, who also reprsents parts areas Trump toured Monday, praised the first daughter for taking an interest in upstate New York.

“This is really great that she gets to come back to our area and highlight the kinds of jobs we have and to keep our workforce here, because we have an out-migration of jobs and people,” said the New York Republican, according to WKTV. “We want it to stop. We want to grow jobs in upstate New York.”

During her appearance, Trump praised Tenney for supporting tax reform.

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“It is really a pleasure to be here and incredible to come back into a community and see the effects of a policy that you deeply believe in,” she said, according to the Oneida Dispatch.

“I have to say, Congresswoman Tenney was such a champion for this and it’s not easy. There was a lot of pressure to not vote for it. You were a true believer and knew what it would do for American families and businesses. Across the country, businesses big and small, 6 million Americans have already benefited from wage increases or bonuses,” she said.

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Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
Jack can be reached at
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