
Illegal Charged with Molesting Own Step-Daughter Gets $1 Million from Taxpayers


If you’re interested in the outrage of the week, consider the case of Gerardo Valerio-Romero. If you’re not familiar with him, MRC TV’s Brittany Hughes will fill you in — and it will make you sick to your stomach.

According to a video uploaded Wednesday, Valerio-Romero — an illegal immigrant who stands accused of molesting his own 8-year-old stepdaughter — has received over $1 million in medical treatments while he’s incarcerated.

The Salt Lake Tribune reported that the Mexican citizen was in the custody of officials in Utah County, Utah when he was diagnosed with cancer. Since then, his medical bills have been so high that, according to CBS News, Sheriff Jim Tracy was faced with the choice of having to lay off employees or close jail beds. He’s since resigned over the case.

“Forty-nine-year-old Gerardo Valerio-Romero’s tab for cancer treatment has all but bankrupted the local jail in a Utah county, where he’s been charged with six counts of sexually assaulting his own 8-year-old stepdaughter, along with eight felony counts of forgery and one count of illegally possessing someone else’s ID,” Hughes says in the Wednesday video.

“Valerio-Romero was arrested back in March of last year, but his trial has already been postponed twice,” she noted. “In the meantime, he’s managed to cost the county nearly a million bucks in cancer treatments — and that’s even after the hospital agreed to discounts.

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“The Washington Post reports that Valerio-Romero’s cancer treatments have completely drained the county jail’s entire medical budget, which was only about a half a million to begin with,” she continued.

“This problem has gotten so bad in fact that Sheriff Jim Tracy announced he is resigning effective August 3, largely thanks to budgetary stress stemming from having to fork over this guy’s medical costs and figuring out which governmental body bears responsibility for paying it. The County Commission is actually scrambling to shift tax dollars around from other public services so that they can cover this one inmate’s mounting expenses despite the fact that he shouldn’t even be here in the first place.”

“Now, you might be asking why authorities don’t just release this guy and boot him back to Mexico,” she says.

Do you agree that this alleged child molester should be deported?

“Well, they would, except the sheriff’s office said that they’re afraid to drop the charges and let him go because they aren’t convinced that he’ll actually get deported, and even if he does, that he won’t just come right back. And isn’t that just a little sad?”

Yes, welcome to America, where an accused child molester can’t even be deported to Mexico and instead is eating up the entire budget of a single county. And while this is an extreme case, Hughes notes that the cost of illegal immigrants in our justice system is extraordinarily high.

“Now, keep in mind that this is just one illegal inmate in a sea of similar stories across the entire country,” she notes.

“The DOJ estimates illegal aliens make up roughly 28 percent of some 184,000 total federal inmates. That’s about 51,000 individuals.

“Now, according to the Federal Register, each of those prisoners costs an average of $32,000 a year, meaning that illegal alien felons alone cost American taxpayers about $1.6 billion annually — and this doesn’t even begin to count those being held in state prisons and local jails like Valerio-Romero.

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“But, of course, leave it to the poor folks in Utah to pick up the tap for a serial child molester’s chemo because leftist policies have allowed creeps like this to live illegally in the U.S., assault little kids, and then get free government health care,” she concludes.

“After all, what are Americans if not the rest of the world’s pocketbook?”

Brutal, yet accurate. American taxpayers shouldn’t be on the hook for someone’s cancer treatments just because they’re not a citizen and they’re not sure that someone charged with serial child molestation will actually be deported. This is basically a dream come true for him — and even more so if he can continue to postpone the trial. An utter disgrace.

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C. Douglas Golden is a writer who splits his time between the United States and Southeast Asia. Specializing in political commentary and world affairs, he's written for Conservative Tribune and The Western Journal since 2014.
C. Douglas Golden is a writer who splits his time between the United States and Southeast Asia. Specializing in political commentary and world affairs, he's written for Conservative Tribune and The Western Journal since 2014. Aside from politics, he enjoys spending time with his wife, literature (especially British comic novels and modern Japanese lit), indie rock, coffee, Formula One and football (of both American and world varieties).
Morristown, New Jersey
Catholic University of America
Languages Spoken
English, Spanish
Topics of Expertise
American Politics, World Politics, Culture

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