
Holocaust Survivor Slams Harris' Last-Ditch Ploy: 'I Know More About Hitler Than Kamala Will Ever Know'


Vice President Kamala Harris’ recent attempt to smear former President Donald Trump by invoking Adolf Hitler has led a Holocaust survivor to denounce her.

Harris recently said voters should reject Trump over a comment he allegedly made, saying he wished his generals were of the same ability as Hitler’s. Using this alleged quote, which several have claimed is false, Harris insisted Trump wants to rule as a dictator.

The desperate effort at character assassination came as a Wall Street Journal report noted that the tide of support for Harris that reached a high water mark as her campaign began is reaching its ebb as voters go to the polls.

It also set Jerry Wartski’s teeth on edge, leading the 94-year-old to fire back.

“Adolf Hitler invaded Poland when I was 9 years old. He murdered my parents and most of my family,” Wartski said in a video posted to X.

“I know more about Hitler than Kamala will ever know in a thousand lifetimes,” said Wartski, who in the video showed his Auschwitz prisoner tattoo.

“For her to accuse President Trump of being like Hitler is the worst thing I ever heard in my 75 years living in the United States,” he said.

Do you think any U.S. politician in history should be compared to Hitler?

He said Harris “owes my parents and everybody else who was murdered by Hitler an apology for repeating this lie.”

“I believe that President Trump is definitely going to be good for Israel because in everything that he’s done up until now was in [its] favor. He never double-crossed anyone, and he never showed any weakness,” he said.

“He has always stood with the Jewish people and the state of Israel.”

Pollster Frank Luntz said Harris hurt herself when she started hurling mud.

“What’s interesting is that with Harris focused on why she should be elected president, that’s when her numbers grew,” he said in a recent interview, according to The Hill.

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“She’s had the best 60 days of any presidential candidate in modern history, and then the moment that she turned anti-Trump and focused on him and said, ‘Don’t vote for me, vote against him,’ … that’s when everything froze,” he said, indicating Trump now has the momentum.

The Hill quoted a Democratic strategist who doubled down on Luntz’s conclusion.

“Everyone keeps saying, ‘It’s close.’ Yes, it’s close, but are things trending our way? No. And no one wants to openly admit that. Could we still win? Maybe. Should anyone be even slightly optimistic right now? No.”

Some reports indicate a big win could be in the offing.

“The big question hanging over this election, as in 2016 and 2020, is the polls,” Kiplinger reported. “If they underestimate Trump as they did then, he will win fairly handily, possibly even exceeding his 2016 total of 306 electoral votes against Hillary Clinton.”

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Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
Jack can be reached at
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