
High Schoolers Issue Apology & Collect Gifts for Whataburger Staff After Trashing Restaurant


“Kids will be kids.” It’s a commonly used phrase, indicating that children are not yet fully formed and will often make poor or seemingly irrational decisions.

And that’s fair enough. As they grow and learn about the world around them, we have to extend grace to them, let them make mistakes and learn from them, and realize they’re packed full of energy and curiosity.

But when kids stop being kids and get older, the childish behavior is no longer acceptable. When teens are doing things that a 4-year-old would barely get away with, there’s a problem.

Clear Brook High School in Friendswood, Texas, and Clear Lake High School in Houston, Texas, are rivals. Their football teams — the Wolverines and the Falcons, respectively — played last Friday, and Clear Brook lost by 22 points.

After the game, students went to a local Whataburger. It’s unclear who started it, but someone let food fly and it quickly spiraled out of control.

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The tables and floor were slicked in soda and littered with wrappers and trash. It looked like animals had been through the establishment.

Caleb Johnson — presumably a student — filmed the scene and posted it on Twitter. “Oh! Brook destroyed Whataburger!” he says in the video. “What are y’all doing?!”

Fortunately, some students realized the error of their ways and are working on an apology. One student wrote a letter to the restaurant, and another is assembling a box of goodies.

Michele Staley, the principal at Clear Brook, notified parents of the incident in an email she circulated, according to ABC.

“I am sure you have all heard about the poor choices some of our students made last Friday night at our local Whataburger on El Dorado,” she wrote. “Many of our students are saddened and embarrassed and want to do something nice for the employees.”

“Everyone makes mistakes, but it’s how we react to those mistakes and learn from them that really matters,” Staley continued.

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“I am proud that our students have not condoned this unacceptable behavior and have rallied around making it up to the people we may have unintentionally hurt by our actions.”

“We are Clear Brook and I hope we’ve learned to make better choices in the future. I am proud of our student body and proud to see them showing our true core values.”

Hopefully this childish behavior will not repeat itself, and those who were involved will realize how inconsiderate their actions were.

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