
GOP Picks Up MO Senate Seat as McCaskill Loses to Hawley


Herman Cain is projecting a win for Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley over Democrat incumbent Sen. Claire McCaskill in the Missouri Senate Race.

The hard-fought contest featured McCaskill, a two-term Senate incumbent, and Hawley, currently the state’s attorney general. The race’s national importance was reflected in the fact that President Donald Trump picked Missouri as one of his final stops on a flurry of pre-election rallies on Monday.

Polls showed that the two were all but tied as Election Day neared.

Trump has been a major issue in the race.

McCaskill has emphasized that she has supported Trump often, USA Today noted. She has said she votes with him about 48 percent of the time when he has said how he feels on legislation.


Hawley has scoffed at those claims.

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“If it’s about renaming the local post office, sure,” he said. “When it actually matters to the people of Missouri, she’s with the liberal left of her party.”

Trump has also jabbed McCaskill over her claims of support.

“The people of Missouri are going to retire far-left Democrat Claire McCaskill, who’s been saying such nice things about me. But you know what? She’ll never vote with me, that’s the problem,” Trump said at a recent rally.

“She’s been saying nice things. I said, ‘I didn’t know she was a Republican,'” he joked.

McCaskill has felt the need to put distance between herself and her party to the point where she recently alienated some members of her own party by saying in an ad that she was not “one of those crazy Democrats,” the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported.

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The race has been heated, which continued right up through its final weekend.


A Kansas City Star report on Saturday claimed Hawley’s office is run by out-of-state political consultants.

Hawley called the report “patently, absurdly and totally false,” KOMU reported

“Nobody runs the AG office but me and I will stack my record as attorney general against Sen. McCaskill’s record in the United States Senate any day of the week and twice on Sundays,” he said.

Hawley said the attack was just part of what he has had to endure.

“I don’t care what the liberal media writes. I don’t care what she says, what illegal tactics bow to. We are not going to be cowed, we are not going to back down and we are not going to be defeated,” he said.

McCaskill said Hawley should be investigated over the report.

“There’s a bright line, and we all know where it is. You do not mix government work with political work. You never allow government resources to be bent to the will of what your political agenda is,” she said.

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Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
Jack can be reached at
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