
'God's Grace' Brings Together Sick Rescue Dog & Anorexic Woman


Every year, more and more dogs become strays. Many times, these poor dogs end up in shelters that are overflowing. Sadly, a stray dog’s days are often numbered.

But in an incredible twist of fate, one stray dog in Georgia got the break of a lifetime. And the gift of a forever home also became a gift of healing for one woman.

Georgia was a stray dog who ended up sick in a gassing shelter. Thankfully, she was discovered by a rescue organization and transported to North Dakota.

It took two long years for poor Georgia to heal from her sickness, a heartworm infection, and other injuries.

Unfortunately, she was not a social dog either, and rescuers knew that it would be difficult to get her adopted.

But sure enough, after two years, in walked a 35-year old woman named Andree Hayes, who saw Georgia and decided to foster her in her home.

Little did Georgia know that she would be doing some rescuing of her own. Hayes had suffered from debilitating Anorexia, a condition that left her weighing barely 89 pounds.

Hayes had stopped eating after her grandfather had passed away, not knowing how to deal with her grief. She was deep in depression and looked to Georgia as her furry little angel.

Together they fought through the pain and then, just in time for Christmas, Hayes made it official by adopting Georgia.

Georgia lovingly became known as Georgia Christmas Taco Hayes, and the pair encouraged one another to find happiness again. But their struggles weren’t over.

Hayes’s marriage suddenly came to an end, and naturally, she was devastated. She would stay in bed and cry for hours — but Georgia would be there too, right by her side.

This one dog, with little hope to live, had been saved by Hayes, but really, she knew that it was Georgia who had saved her. They were soulmates, brought together by the grace of God.

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Together, they began to rebuild their lives, moving to a new home with plenty of room for Georgia to run around and play in. The clouds of depression slowly lifted away for happiness to take its place.

Seven months after their move, sweet Georgia passed away. Hayes knew that it would be difficult to go on without her soulmate, but she also knew that her best friend would want her to be happy.

Their lives together were a journey of unexpected connections. Hayes was there when Georgia needed her the most, and Georgia returned that love just when Hayes felt like she couldn’t go on. Now, Hayes says that in honor of her beloved dog, she will carry on.

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