
FSU Student Senate President Impeached Over Catholic Views, Anti-Semite Replaces Him


The Catholic president of Florida State University’s Student Senate, who expressed some views not consistent with politically correct orthodoxy, has been ousted from his role in the name of “tolerance.”

Demonstrating no self-awareness, the student government body tapped an anti-Semite to replace him.

Jack Denton, who served as president of the FSU Student Senate until coming under fire from the PC police, had a conversation with fellow members of the Catholic Student Union on GroupMe in which he said, “Black Lives, Reclaim the Block, and the ACLU all advocate for things that are explicitly anti-Catholic.”

When asked to elaborate, Denton explained that “ fosters a ‘queer affirming network’ and defends transgenderism. The ACLU defends laws protecting abortion facilities and sued states that restrict access to abortion.”

He maintained that “it is important to know what you’re supporting when you’re Catholic. If I stay silent while my brothers and sisters may be supporting an organization that promotes grave evils, I have sinned through my silence. … [T]here isn’t an aspect of our lives that isn’t religious, because God wants our whole lives and everything we do to be oriented around him!”

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As soon as this conversation became public, the backlash started pouring in.

Two staff members of the FSU student publication Spire Magazine — Editor-in-Chief Emily Pacenti and author/editor Alanna Felton — wrote an opinion piece headlined “Jack Denton is Unfit to Lead Florida State’s Student Senate.” They slammed Denton for his supposedly “transphobic, racist, and anti-abortion comments.”

“Denton’s words send a dehumanizing message to womxn, trans, queer, and black students at FSU, and prove that he is unfit to hold the office of Senate President,” Pacenti and Felton wrote.

In perhaps the biggest farce of the article, the authors argued that pro-abortion views are not “inherently anti-Catholic.” They claimed it is “fully possible to be Catholic and support queer and trans folx (or be queer and/or trans yourself), abortion, and defunding police.”

Should the Florida State Student Senate reinstate Jack Denton as president?

Apparently, these social justice warriors have never picked up a copy of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Otherwise, they would know that Paragraph 2271 proclaims, “Since the first century the church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion. This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable. Direct abortion, that is to say, abortion willed either as an end or a means, is gravely contrary to the moral law.”

Paragraph 2272 of the Catechism makes it clear that “formal cooperation in an abortion constitutes a grave offense.”

Unfortunately, in our “tolerant” society, the failure to take Planned Parenthood’s approved position on abortion and the Human Rights Campaign’s approved positions on LGBTQ issues cost Denton his job. He was removed from office June 5.

However, Denton’s replacement holds views that should be equally disqualifying if “tolerance” is the yardstick that measures one’s qualification for the position of Student Senate president at FSU.

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Ahmad Daraldik, who is Palestinian, seems to have great animosity toward Jewish people and Israel.

Snapshots of Daraldik’s social media accounts show that the newly minted Senate president has captioned posts with “tolerant” phrases such as “f— Israel” and “stupid Jew.” He has created an entire website devoted to accusing Israelis of imposing a “contemporary holocaust” on Palestinians.

In response to petitions demanding that he resign from the state Senate, Daraldik posted a video in which he unapologetically defended his views.

While saying he is “for the Jewish people,” he compared Israel’s actions to those of Nazi Germany.

Apparently Daraldik’s lack of tolerance isn’t a concern for FSU. The Student Senate voted Thursday to keep him as its president, the Jewish News Syndicate reported.

Liberals’ indifference to anti-Semitism is not a new phenomenon. The Nation of Islam, an explicitly racist and anti-Semitic group, provided security at George Floyd’s funeral.

Congressional Democrats had an opportunity to rebuke Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar for her anti-Semitic remarks, and they blew it, passing a resolution condemning hateful views in general that did not even mention Omar by name.

But when it comes to people in their party who hold pro-life views, Democrats have a zero-tolerance policy. Earlier this year, Illinois Rep. Dan Lipinski, a rare pro-life Democrat, lost his primary to a pro-abortion challenger.

Now, the intolerance toward pro-lifers and tolerance of anti-Semitism that have come to define the Democratic Party have trickled down into student government.

It’s a harsh lesson in today’s campus culture for Jack Denton and those who share his views.

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Ryan holds a bachelor of arts in political science from Rhode Island College. In addition to participating in the National Journalism Center’s internship program, he has written for several conservative publications.
Ryan holds a bachelor of arts in political science from Rhode Island College. In addition to participating in the National Journalism Center’s internship program, he has written for several conservative publications.

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