
Father Proves Guns Aren't the Issue with 'Illegal' Demonstration During PTA Meeting


This guy brought a knife to a gun control fight.

But the liberal reaction made the biggest point of the night.

During a meeting of the Rocky Point school district PTA in Suffolk County, New York, on Wednesday, a man who identified himself as the father of two students had a demonstration in mind to prove why every school needs armed security guards.

He stood up to speak right after a Rocky Point High senior named Jade Pinkenberg addressed the school board to oppose the idea of armed guards, according to Newsday.

The man called Pinkenberg back to the front of the room, then took only a few words to get his idea across.

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“I’m considerably larger than you, OK?” the man said, approaching the skinny senior. “If something happened, if I decided to attack you, it would take the cops three to five minutes to come here — probably 10 if the traffic’s bad.”

Then he pulled out a pocket knife, though he never opened it.

“What are you gonna do now?” he asked. “What are you gonna do now?”

It was probably a lot more drama than a Rocky Point school board meeting generally sees in a year. But it was the reaction that was really telling.

Check out the Facebook post here.

The man’s methods might have been a little outside the box, but no honest person can watch that video and think the man posed any kind of a physical threat to anyone in that room, including Pinkenberg.

Since “honest” leaves out anti-gun liberals, naturally they claim they were terrified.

“Everybody kind of freaked out. It was scary,” 17-year-old Pinkenberg told Newsday.

“He brought a weapon to school and it shocked everyone. No one knew who he was.”

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Have you ever seen a teenager as scared as this?

Another anti-gun senior at the school, Jo Herman, posted the video to Twitter with the comment, “I protested peacefully this morning and got suspended. A man threatened a kid with a knife at a PTA meeting and got gently escorted from the school. Show me the logic.”

Well, here’s the logic for Herman and all the Twitter followers who agreed with her:

When high school students are in school, they’re supposed to be in school unless they have permission to leave. If a student leaves school — even to “protest peacefully” — the school has grounds for discipline.

On the other hand, no sane person could have thought that man at the school board meeting presented a threat. And Pinkenberg’s goofy look as he went to the back of the room certainly didn’t look frightened.

Will the latest media hysteria about guns succeed?
It was only after when he was talking to a reporter from Newsday apparently that he decided the whole situation was “scary.”

And that’s really the lesson this video is teaching. Of course we’re living in a world of physical danger. Man is a fallen creature, and wherever humans are, there’s the potential for violence. But the current hysteria about “gun violence” is a media creation, with a political motive.

This isn’t to beat up on children like Pinkenberg and Herman. If they’ve grown up in America, they’ve been fed a mainstream media diet of nonstop liberalism all their lives. That’s even truer if they grew up the New York City media market of Suffolk County.

But what this video really shows is the dishonesty of liberal adults.

If liberals truly cared about the victims of “gun violence,” they would be doing more than pushing control laws that don’t control guns in the hands of criminals. (Chicago is legendary for its violence, but has some of the strictest gun laws in the country.)

If they really cared about student safety, they would have listened to what the unidentified man in this video had to say, instead of reflexively branding him a threat for using a knife for what amounted to no more than a prop in a school play. (The voice that hollered “that’s illegal,” was particularly funny. They should try using that during the next school shooting.)

But what liberals really care about is infringing on the rights of free Americans to arm themselves — and eating away at the Constitution that guarantees those rights.

The guy with the knife might or might not be a Second Amendment supporter. For all the video shows, he could be a charter member of Everytown for Gun Safety, Suffolk County Chapter.

But the liberal reaction to his switchblade stunt made the biggest point of all.

Liberals have no interest in honestly discussing security in schools or anywhere else.

They only want to whip up fear.

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Joe has spent more than 30 years as a reporter, copy editor and metro desk editor in newsrooms in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Florida. He's been with Liftable Media since 2015.
Joe has spent more than 30 years as a reporter, copy editor and metro editor in newsrooms in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Florida. He's been with Liftable Media since 2015. Largely a product of Catholic schools, who discovered Ayn Rand in college, Joe is a lifelong newspaperman who learned enough about the trade to be skeptical of every word ever written. He was also lucky enough to have a job that didn't need a printing press to do it.

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