
Exclusive: Ukraine Family Describes Horror That Appeared on Horizon as They Waited in Mile-Long Gas Line


This article was sponsored by CityServe.

A Ukrainian refugee family shared their harrowing tale of fleeing their country under fire and making it safely to Poland.

“Rockets started to attack the place where we lived,” a father of three young children told a CityServe volunteer through a translator.

“We took the most necessary things with us,” he recounted, describing how they loaded up their car to escape to the west.

However, one of the challenges they faced along the way was getting gasoline.

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It took the family four hours, waiting in nearly a mile-long line to reach the pump to fill up their car.

“When we stood in line waiting for petrol, we could see how the armies came closer and how things started to be on fire,” the man said.

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Pastor Paula White Cain, who is partnering with CityServe, tweeted that their team is in Poland.

Over the weekend, more than 1,800 volunteers working at City of Destiny church in the Orlando, Florida, area, where White pastors, assembled one million meals to ship to Ukraine.

Karl Hargestam, with CityServe, interviewed Peter, a volunteer working at a warehouse in Poland to distribute aid.

The warehouse contained mattresses, clothes and hygiene items.

“Right now, the critical part is food, medical,” Peter told Hargestam.

The Western Journal stands in partnership with CityServe. Help on the front lines by donating here to provide food, shelter and the Gospel to Ukrainian refugees.

“Most the Ukrainian churches have turned into refugee camps,” Peter explained.

People come to the churches and find a place to eat and sleep for a short time before they travel on to Poland or other points west.

BBC reported over 1.2 million refugees have reached Poland.

“Warsaw is full,” Peter said.

It has become a transfer point where refugees travel on to other countries in Europe — such as Sweden, Germany or Spain — wherever they can be placed.

Finding homes for the refugees is their most important objective, Peter said.

“There’s nothing like the local church, and we’re seeing that here in Poland, opening up their homes, their arms, using what they have, serving people,” Hargestam said.

“What an incredible thing for us to get around the churches, hold their arms, help support this.”

Support CityServe’s efforts by donating here — you’ll be providing food, medicine and the Gospel to Ukrainians in urgent need.

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