
Ex-Clinton Secret Service Agent Files Conspiracy Charges Against Hillary, Bill, Podesta...


In an action that’s gaining a lot of attention from deep state theorists everywhere, a former Secret Service agent under the Clinton administration has filed a RICO lawsuit against Bill and Hillary Clinton and a number of their associates, Zero Hedge reported.

Gary Byrne is probably best known as the author of a tell-all book about the Clintons, “Crisis of Character: A White House Secret Service Officer Discloses His Firsthand Experience with Hillary, Bill, and How They Operate.”

According to Fox News, the book described a volatile relationship between Bill and Hillary, which wasn’t exactly news. Also not news was that Hillary had an “appalling leadership style” and was “volcanic, impulsive, enabled by sycophants, and disdainful of the rules set for everyone else.”

There was a fairly lengthy list of what was new in the book. Byrne talks about covering up for Clinton’s numerous sexual dalliances. “I even secretly disposed of sordid physical evidence that might later have been used to convict the president,” he wrote. During one fight, he alleged, Hillary gave the president a black eye.

Byrne had previously gained a certain degree of fame as the man who had Monica Lewinsky transferred out of the White House when he raised questions about her persistent presence in the West Wing.

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Now, his fame could be tied to one of the most curious lawsuits in recent years.

According to Zero Hedge, it’s not just William Jefferson and Hillary Rodham Clinton who are being targeted by the action. The multifarious tendrils of the Clinton empire are also named in the lawsuit — the Clinton Foundation, Clinton-Giustra Enterprise Partnership, the Clinton Global Initiative and former Clinton campaign manager John Podesta are also named.

Podesta isn’t the only Clinton crony to be named in these pages, either. David Brock, the liberal Washington gadabout, also features heavily in the suit. In addition to being directly named, many of Brock’s organizations — Media Matters for America, Correct the Record, American Bridge 21st Century and Shareblue — are also part of the suit. Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, a group which Brock left in December of 2016, made the roster as well.

Oh, and just for good measure, George Soros is included too.

Do you think this lawsuit has merit?

As for the suit itself, Byrne claims that the Clintons and those around them took aim at Byrne as retribution for his role in Clinton’s impeachment.

“For the past decade in which relevant predicate acts were corruptly carried out by the named defendants as ‘payback’ for Plaintiff Gary Byrne’s role in the Clinton impeachment and his status as a ‘Clinton enemy’ (for his temerity in telling the truth concerning obstruction of justice and gross abuse of power), along with their corrupt surrogates and collaborators (referenced individually and collectively as the ‘Enterprise’), David Brock and William and Hillary Clinton have been synonymous with criminal behavior, malicious baseless attacks (using mainly the illicit and vicious defamatory tactics against perceived political enemies (like Officer Gary Byrne, the Plaintiff here) of those willing to compensate participants like Brock) — and coordinating by mail and wire to violate myriad Federal and State laws in the exploitation of Enterprise nonprofit entities they use for purely partisan purposes,” the suit reads.

Byrne claims that the Clintons have “taken such attacks to an unprecedented and chilling new level — involving illegal domestic human and electronic surveillance, and tradecraft such as ‘lures’ run at Byrne in order to obstruct the Hillary Clinton e-mail and Clinton Foundation Investigations by the agencies of the Obama government, all against private citizens in order to assist Hillary Clinton become the 45th President of the United States, destroy Gary Byrne, and enrich themselves.

“According to investigations of the United States Congress, and as anticipated to emerge from numerous ongoing government investigations, Hillary Clinton and certain other Enterprise named and unknown named, and high-level surrogates, colluded with Russian intelligence (SVR and FSB) and a disgraced (and according to a referral from the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary, a putative criminal) former British intelligence officer (Christopher Steele) to accomplish their illicit and unconstitutional objectives. These Enterprise defendants, surrogates and participants have their opportunity to properly respond before a court they knowingly misled many times using the most powerful counterintelligence tools available. Let them do so now.”

The lawsuit continues to say that “Brock’s malfeasance became more precisely organized in the Enterprise, and thus fully weaponized, as he joined forces with former president William Jefferson Clinton … Hillary Rodham Clinton and funder George Soros (‘Soros’), and at various stages of the illegal Enterprise, the other defendants named here. They, and the Enterprise they formed to control the Democratic Party, took illicit advantage of a previously inviolate structural arrangement (between all three branches of our government) codified in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (‘FISA’) by arranging for payment through smear merchants Fusion GPS to the Russian SVR and FSB and British (former) agent Christopher Steele (‘Steele’). To abolish their enemies, in other words, the Enterprise defendants were willing to defy all legal and constitutional dictates – including certain actors within the Obama Department of Justice ineffably misleading Article III colleagues resident in this very Court.

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“This is sedition, bordering on treason, and patently illegal,” the brief notes.

This is the first case of its kind brought against a former U.S. president. It’s worth noting, however, that there’s more than a soupçon of the conspiratorial behind this. If he actually has evidence of any of this, this would indeed be very interesting. And, if the case involved anyone else, I’d likely just dismiss the whole thing out of hand.

Then again, this is the Clintons — and stranger things have happened. Until we see the proof, however, this will be yet another curious chapter in the very curious saga of Bill and Hillary Clinton.

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C. Douglas Golden is a writer who splits his time between the United States and Southeast Asia. Specializing in political commentary and world affairs, he's written for Conservative Tribune and The Western Journal since 2014.
C. Douglas Golden is a writer who splits his time between the United States and Southeast Asia. Specializing in political commentary and world affairs, he's written for Conservative Tribune and The Western Journal since 2014. Aside from politics, he enjoys spending time with his wife, literature (especially British comic novels and modern Japanese lit), indie rock, coffee, Formula One and football (of both American and world varieties).
Morristown, New Jersey
Catholic University of America
Languages Spoken
English, Spanish
Topics of Expertise
American Politics, World Politics, Culture

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