
Dr. Ben Carson Brilliantly Turns Tables on Dems Attacking Mike Pence's Coronavirus Response


Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson defended the coronavirus task force’s handling of the virus from partisan political attacks this week at a news conference.

Carson, who recently joined the task force, defended its efforts to contain the spread of the potentially deadly infectious disease.

“I want to thank the vice president and the president for a very aggressive and careful leadership,” he said Wednesday.

Carson, who was a renowned neurosurgeon before beginning his career in politics and public service, added: “I was involved throughout my neurosurgical career in a lot of very, very complex cases and dealt with a lot of renowned physicians.

“But I must say that the people on this task force are extremely impressive, have been considering all of the various different possibilities, outlining scenarios for all the possibilities that can occur.”

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Carson added he believes the risks associated with contracting the disease are low, “largely because of the aggressive actions that have been taken and are continuing to be taken every day.”

The HUD secretary also praised pharmaceutical companies for working together “voluntarily” in order to help to find a way to manage potential outbreaks.

“Wouldn’t that be a great lesson for the politicians?” he joked.

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Carson’s comments came in response to partisan criticism of President Donald Trump’s handling of his administration’s preparedness of a possible outbreak of the virus.

Since the outbreak of the coronavirus in China was reported, Trump has not only acted decisively to help to contain its spread away from the U.S., but also quickly formed a task force in order to deal with the issue.

The president immediately imposed travel restrictions to China in January, just as the virus was starting to grab international headlines. The move was criticized by Democratic lawmakers and members of the establishment media for allegedly helping to sow seeds of racism.

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden also claimed the travel restrictions were race-related, The Hill reported.

“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia — hysterical xenophobia — and fearmongering,” the former vice president said.

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Of course, when you’re a far-left Democrat, everything is racist.

In similar fashion, CNN argued that the travel ban could lead to “stigmatizing countries and ethnicities.”

Trump also came under attack for appointing Vice President Mike Pence to head the task force, which itself was criticized for not being adequately racially diverse.

CNN published an article by Michael D’Antonio criticizing Pence as “anti-science.”

“President Donald Trump is again playing the denial game and, unhelpfully, has tapped Vice President Mike Pence — a man who has repeatedly demonstrated his anti-science predilection — to lead the government response,” the article read.

The CNN hit piece also mocked the vice president for praying and blamed him for an outbreak of HIV/AIDS during his time as governor in Indiana.

Members of the establishment media have also falsely claimed that Trump described the coronavirus as a “hoax.”

While people are concerned about the spread of a potentially deadly virus, Democrats have played politics with the federal government’s readiness every step of the way.

That is why it is so crucial to have a figure such as Carson join the government’s official response. He might be a former presidential candidate and a surrogate for Trump, but his area of expertise is in medicine.

The doctor is probably more qualified to speak about the virus than anyone in CNN’s newsroom.

Carson spoke at length to Fox Business host Charles Payne on Tuesday about the task force’s response to the coronavirus and expounded on the criticism from Democrats and the establishment media.

“I suspect if Jesus Christ was on the committee, they would have a complaint about that,” he said.

Carson also promised the task force is staying ahead of the curve to respond to any changes with the disease.

As of Friday, 98,424 cases of coronavirus have been reported worldwide, and 3,386 people have died from the virus.

Twelve Americans are among those dead after being infected with coronavirus, NBC News reported.

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Johnathan Jones has worked as a reporter, an editor, and producer in radio, television and digital media.
Johnathan "Kipp" Jones has worked as an editor and producer in radio and television. He is a proud husband and father.

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