
Dems Panic Over New Poll: Attacks on Men Are Turning Gen Z into a Right-Wing Generation


Progressives always believe the future is theirs.

That’s why new polling coming out of The Wall Street Journal on the political leanings of Gen Z (those born between 1997 and 2012) must come as a shock to them.

According to the July poll, Gen-Z men (and boys) are moving to the political right … and dramatically so.

If current projections hold, Republicans may win over young men under 30 for the first time in two decades.

In 2020, a majority of men under 30 identified as Democrats and supported Joe Biden, according to a previous Wall Street Journal poll.

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Now, 49 percent of under-30 men identify as Republican compared to 37 percent who identify as Democrat, a 12-point gap favoring Republicans.

Even more impressive is the shift to former President Donald Trump.

Whereas support for Trump within this demographic was once underwater, now 50 percent of men under 30 support Trump while only 36 percent supported Biden (the poll was conducted just before the announcement that Biden was dropping out of the 2024 race), a whopping 14-point gap.

Are you surprised that Gen Z is moving to the right?

Women in the under-30 demo are moving to the left, but not nearly as dramatically as their male counterparts are moving to the right.

It’s not hard to imagine why — the left-wing establishment, including Democrat-favoring media, the entertainment industry and the party itself, has catered to women while attacking men.

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The so-called right to kill your preborn baby, for example, has been heralded as a top Democrat priority. While this is helping win over young women, young men care much more about common-sense issues that the Republican Party stands for.

For instance, according to the Journal’s poll, under-30 men overwhelmingly oppose letting children pick their gender identity and overwhelmingly favor extending the Trump tax cuts beyond 2025.

Beyond that, it seems the “testosterone-fueled lineup” (as the Journal puts it) of Trump and J.D. Vance has struck a chord with many young men.

As the establishment gives them fewer and fewer masculine male role models to look up to, the Trump-Vance team stands out.

This became especially the case after a bloody Trump raised a defiant fist in the air after surviving an assassination attempt in July.

“The American flag is in the background, and there’s blood on his face,” one young male voter told the Journal.

“I mean, it just looks pretty badass.”

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Michael wrote for a number of entertainment news outlets before joining The Western Journal in 2020 as an intern. Michael was then hired on as a staff writer/reporter. He now serves as Manager of Publishing Operations. His current role involves managing the editorial team and operations; helping guide the editorial direction of The Western Journal; and writing, editing, curating and assigning stories as needed.
Michael Austin graduated from Iowa State University in 2019. During his time in college, he volunteered for both PragerU and Live Action. After graduation, Michael went on to work as a freelance journalist for various entertainment news sites before joining The Western Journal as an intern in early 2020.

Shortly thereafter, Michael was hired on as a staff writer/reporter. He now serves as Manager of Publishing Operations.His current role involves managing the editorial team and editorial operations; helping guide the editorial direction of The Western Journal; and writing, editing, curating and assigning stories as needed.
Ames, Iowa
Iowa State University
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