
While YouTube Censors Conservatives, They Use Sexualized Kids in Links Provided to Viewers


According to a disturbing new report, YouTube is allowing innocent family videos to be curated for the viewing pleasure of users who were looking for “prepubescent, partially clothed children.”

The New York Times article Monday cited research that should terrify anyone with children or grandchildren.

Here’s what is happening.

A family innocently uploads a video of their children playing outside. Their young sons and daughters are swimming and behaving like normal children behave on a hot day by a pool.

But then YouTube takes that video and recommends it to shady users who are actively searching and viewing for perverted clips of children. YouTube’s algorithm is, in effect, serving up innocent family videos to perverted users with pedophilic viewing history.

Who is to blame for this?

“It’s YouTube’s algorithm that connects these channels,” researcher Jonas Kaiser told The Times. Kaiser and two colleagues at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard came across the phenomenon while studying YouTube in Brazil.

“It’s a scary thing,” Kaiser said.

The sexualization of children, especially when their parents had no knowledge of such possible use, is a gross mistreatment of these innocent childrens’ images online.

Does YouTube have skewed priorities about safety?

The Times recounts a story of a family who was surprised to see a video of their daughter and her friend get over 400,000 views in a matter of days.

It scared them. And it should have.

It should scare you. And it should make you angry.

As The Times reported:

“YouTube’s automated recommendation system — which drives most of the platform’s billions of views by suggesting what users should watch next — had begun showing the video to users who watched other videos of prepubescent, partially clothed children, a team of researchers has found.

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“YouTube had curated the videos from across its archives, at times plucking out the otherwise innocuous home movies of unwitting families, the researchers say. In many cases, its algorithm referred users to the videos after they watched sexually themed content.”

YouTube, which was purchased by Google in 2006, is apparently too busy deplatforming, censoring and demonetizing conservatives to make sure pervert users aren’t getting served up videos of a regular American children enjoying a playful weekend in their backyard.

A family should be able to enjoy their holiday and them memorialize their home movies for future use without the most powerful company in the world hand-feeding it to slime-balls who are looking for tiny girls in their swimsuits.

While YouTube is able to quickly make a pro-Trump movie virtually unfindable, they seem unwilling or unable to stop this atrocity.

Even videos from this site and its parent, The Western Journal, have been demonetized by YouTube.

So while conservative personalities and sites are struggling to get play time on Google-owned YouTube, home family videos of children playing in the yard are getting promoted across the world to people who should have their private parts removed.

You chose sides, YouTube.

And you chose poorly.

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G.S. Hair is the former executive editor of The Western Journal.
G.S. Hair is the former executive editor of The Western Journal and vice president of digital content of Liftable Media.

After graduating law school from the Cecil C. Humphries School of Law, Mr. Hair spent a decade as an attorney practicing at the trial and appellate level in Arkansas and Tennessee. He represented clients in civil litigation, contractual disputes, criminal defense and domestic matters. He spent a significant amount of time representing indigent clients who could not afford private counsel in civil or criminal matters. A desire for justice and fairness was a driving force in Mr. Hair's philosophy of representation. Inspired by Christ’s role as an advocate on our behalf before God, he often represented clients who had no one else to fight on their behalf.

Mr. Hair has been a consultant for Republican political candidates and has crafted grassroots campaign strategies to help mobilize voters in staunchly Democrat regions of the Eastern United States.

In early 2015, he began writing for Conservative Tribune. After the site was acquired by Liftable Media, he shut down his law practice, moved to Arizona and transitioned into the position of site director. He then transitioned to vice president of content. In 2018, after Liftable Media folded all its brands into The Western Journal, he was named executive editor. His mission is to advance conservative principles and be a positive and truthful voice in the media.

He is married and has four children. He resides in Phoenix, Arizona.
South Carolina
Homeschooled (and proud of it); B.A. Mississippi College; J.D. University Of Memphis
Phoenix, Arizona
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