
Watch: Diamond and Silk Utterly Crush Rep, 'We See You Do Look at Fake News'


Diamond and Silk gained millions of fans by being blunt and making no apologies for their conservative views, and that fiery attitude just led to a clash on Capitol Hill.

The African American supporters of Donald Trump, whose real names are Lynnette Hardaway and Rochelle Richardson, were recently asked to testify on online censorship of conservative voices.

Diamond and Silk’s social media presence, particularly on Facebook, has seen what they believe is a targeted plan to limit the influence of Trump supporters. At one point, Facebook went as far as labeling the ladies’ page as “dangerous,” although the network later claimed this was a mistake.

Rep. Hakeem Jeffries was the one challenging the conservative duo this week. The liberal New York congressman tried to discredit Diamond and Silk and imply that they were shills for the Trump campaign.

His “evidence?” An SEC record showing that the president’s campaign made out a check for $1,274.94 to the two women in 2016.

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“We’re familiar with that particular lie. We see that you do look at fake news,” scolded Silk.

“What should have happened is, you should have come to our mouth to see what exactly happened, before a false narrative was put out there about the $1,274.94,” the conservative firebrand told the congressman.

She went on to explain that the amount wasn’t a payment, but rather a reimbursement for travel expenses they had covered out of their own pockets.

“There may have been a mistake from the Trump campaign when they wrote what the $1,274.94 was for. Actually, this was because we were asked to join the ‘Women for Trump’ tour,” Silk continued.

Are you fans of Diamond and Silk?

“And Ms. Laura Trump asked that our airline tickets be refunded back to us because we paid for those tickets when we went from New York to Ohio,” she went on. The conservative personality also showed an email exchange that apparently confirmed this reimbursement. “We’ve never been paid by the Trump campaign,” the duo declared.

That’s when Jeffries changed tack, and seemed to imply that Diamond and Silk earning money off of an online platform they worked hard to build was somehow wrong.

“(Donald Trump) urged you to monetize your support for him….” began the liberal lawmaker.

“He urged us to monetize our platform. And there’s nothing wrong with that,” sharply replied Diamond.

“As you, as an African American, you’re not going to make us feel guilty because we’re going to get out here, and we’re going to take advantage of these platforms and monetize. Just like everybody else.”

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Diamond pointed out the absurdity of shaming black women for being entrepreneurial. “I don’t see you walking up to a white person and saying ‘Oh, you shouldn’t be monetizing that.’ So why are you as an African American (insisting) there’s something wrong with us monetizing our platform?” she asked.

“I understand your game,” Jeffries smugly replied.

“It’s not a game,” retorted Diamond.

It’s particularly telling that the Democrat congressman could not even accept that Diamond and Silk are genuine in their conservative views and support for Donald Trump.

The left has become such an echo chamber of identical viewpoints that in his mind, the only explanation for two conservative black women is that it’s some kind of “game.”

One person at a time, the African American community is realizing that liberals only see them as a source of easy votes. The moment individuals like Diamond and Silk speak their own minds, they’re demonetized online, censored, and dismissed as out of line. That is the real “game,” and it’s finally been exposed.

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Benjamin Arie is an independent journalist and writer. He has personally covered everything ranging from local crime to the U.S. president as a reporter in Michigan before focusing on national politics. Ben frequently travels to Latin America and has spent years living in Mexico.

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