
Trudeau Facing Macron Nightmare as Yellow Vests Come to Canada, Protest Taxes, Illegals


The streets of France have been rocked by the “yellow vest” protests over the past five weeks, named for the reflective safety vests worn by many protesters. The anti-government demonstrations began over an increased gasoline tax and spread to include other issues.

In recent weeks, the protests extended beyond Paris and other French cities to include Belgium, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, among others, where outraged citizens are fed up with high taxes, strict regulations and an increasingly oppressive centralized and globalist European government.

Now the yellow vest protests have crossed the pond, so to speak, to arrive in Canada.

In cities across the country this weekend, residents donned the recognizable safety gear and took to the streets, mostly to protest the immigration and taxation policies supported by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Canada’s CTV News reported that protests arose Saturday from Halifax, Nova Scotia, in the east to Calgary and Edmonton, Alberta, out west, with plenty of other cities seeing protesters in between.

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In Halifax,  a group of protesters arrayed themselves outside City Hall in protest of a new carbon tax, among a long list of other concerning issues.

Protester James Hoskins told CTV, “I have never met even one Canadian that understands how a carbon tax is going to reduce carbon emissions,” while Barry Ahern described a special government grant program as “oppression of Canadians by our own people.”

In Calgary, protesters took to the streets in general opposition to Trudeau and his Liberal Party, and more specifically over a delayed pipeline project.

In Edmonton, protesters’ main concerns were the high taxes imposed by the government and worries over the future of the energy industry upon which the region relies.

Do you support the growing "yellow vest" protest movement?

A yellow-vested protester identified only as Turk told CTV, “I’m tired of Trudeau basically doing what he wants with our money and sending it overseas. … Right now, personally, I’m facing a job crisis. All our oil jobs are gone, all our money is going south.”

Protesters in North Bay, Ontario, also took issue with the carbon tax, while protesters in Toronto expressed their frustrations with the current status quo in government.

Aside from the high taxes and environmental issues, many protesters also expressed their opposition to Canada being a signatory to the new United Nations Global Compact for Migration, a sweeping agreement granting universal rights to migrants that has been signed by 164 countries but not the United States.

Opponents of that agreement have argued that it essentially undermines national sovereignty and creates de facto open borders.

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It remains to be seen if these “yellow vest” protests will continue and spread throughout Canada and other nations, or if the protests will bring about any substantial changes in governmental policy.

Regardless, it has become clear that an increasing number of people around the world have become fed up with globalist governments, high taxes, open immigration policies and restrictive regulations on energy and economies.

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Ben Marquis is a writer who identifies as a constitutional conservative/libertarian. He has written about current events and politics for The Western Journal since 2014. His focus is on protecting the First and Second Amendments.
Ben Marquis has written on current events and politics for The Western Journal since 2014. He reads voraciously and writes about the news of the day from a conservative-libertarian perspective. He is an advocate for a more constitutional government and a staunch defender of the Second Amendment, which protects the rest of our natural rights. He lives in Little Rock, Arkansas, with the love of his life as well as four dogs and four cats.
The School of Life
Little Rock, Arkansas
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