
Report: Educators Allegedly Ordered To Favor Black Students over Whites for 'Racial Equity'


If people who cry racism would stop talking about race, a vast majority of all race-related issues would probably vanish overnight.

But that won’t happen anytime soon, as many individuals have made it their life’s work to further instigate racial divisions in this country.

According to the New York Post, that includes folks like Darnisa Amante, a newly hired New York City Department of Education consultant who spoke to public school administrators at a workshop on “implicit bias.”

“If I had a poor white male student and I had a middle-class black boy, I would actually put my equitable strategies and interventions into that middle class black boy because over the course of his lifetime he will have less access and less opportunities than that poor white boy,” Amante said, according to sources in the room who spoke to the Post. “That’s what racial equity is.”

This workshop was part of a mandated anti-bias training program for the city’s public school educators — a program that cost $23 million, and one where employees were allegedly told their primary focus should be on black children, not white ones.

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Needless to say, Amante’s comments didn’t sit well with a lot of people — including NYC Parents Union’s president, Mona Davids, who is black.

“It’s completely absurd — they want to treat black students as victims and punish white students. That defeats the purpose of what bias awareness training should be,” Davids told the Post.

A statement from DOE spokesperson Will Mantell did not specify if Amante’s remark is backed by Richard Carranza, who leads the department.

“Anti-bias and equity trainings are about creating high expectations and improving outcomes for all of our students,” Mantell told the Post. “These trainings are used across the country because they help kids, and out-of-context quotes and anonymous allegations  just distract from this important work.”

Do you think favoring students of a certain race over others is racist?

Conservative Tribune, a section of The Western Journal, reached out to the DOE for comment, but did not hear back in time for publication of this article.

But this appears to be just the beginning for “anti-bias” controversy in the city’s education sector.

According to the Post, a $90 million lawsuit filed last week in New York’s supreme court claims Carranza’s campaign to end “toxic” whiteness resulted in the demotion of three longtime officials, who were reportedly replaced by “less-qualified persons of color.”

“Under Carranza’s leadership, DOE has swiftly and irrevocably silenced, sidelined and punished plaintiffs and other Caucasian female DOE employees on the basis of their race, gender and unwillingness to accept their other colleagues’ hateful stereotypes about them,” Davida S. Perry, the lawyer for the trio of demoted officials, wrote in the court filing.

In light of this, it’s hard to see how “anti-bias” workshops can possibly be about anything but anti-white indoctrination.

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Actual “anti-bias” programs would teach that no specific races should be treated better or worse than others.

Is it so hard to make sure that all people, regardless of the color of their skin, are treated fairly?

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Ryan Ledendecker is a former writer for The Western Journal.
Ryan Ledendecker is a former writer for The Western Journal.
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