
Openly Gay Olympian Gives Pence Disgraceful Treatment


Last month a misinformed gay Olympian not only falsely accused Vice President Mike Pence of funding gay conversion therapy, but then slammed the White House for allowing the vice president to lead the 2018 U.S. Olympic delegation.

“You mean Mike Pence, the same Mike Pence that funded gay conversion therapy?” figure skater Adam Rippon asked incredulously during an interview with USA Today after apparently being told that Pence had been selected to lead the delegation. “I’m not buying it.”

Continuing his screed, Rippon, 28, made it clear that because of Pence, he intended to skip the standard meet-and-greet event that typically occurs between U.S. Olympians and the U.S. Olympic delegation

“If it were before my event, I would absolutely not go out of my way to meet somebody who I felt has gone out of their way to not only show that they aren’t a friend of a gay person but that they think that they’re sick. I wouldn’t go out of my way to meet somebody like that,” he said.

The disrespectful kid even accused Pence of not having “a real concept of reality.”

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“To stand by some of the things that Donald Trump has said and for Mike Pence to say he’s a devout Christian man is completely contradictory,” he said.

But it was actually Rippon who wasn’t in touch with reality, as made clear by a statement submitted to USA Today by Pence’s press secretary Alyssa Farah.

“This accusation is totally false and has no basis in fact. Despite these misinformed claims, the vice president will be enthusiastically supporting all the U.S. athletes competing next month in Pyeongchang,” she said, referencing Rippon’s belief that Pence funded gay conversation therapy.

Just to be clear, Pence’s views on homosexuality align with those of every other Christian in America: He loves the sinners but disapproves of their sins.

Should Rippon and Pence meet?

And I’m sorry, Mr. Rippon, but there’s nothing wrong or contradictory about this perspective.

Regardless, despite being smeared by Rippon, Pence has been remarkably supportive of the kid, even going so far as to issue tweets wishing him luck:

The “fake news” reference pertained to a new USA Today report claiming Pence offered to meet with Rippon privately to discuss their differences, but that Rippon reportedly refused.

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Pence “was so concerned about the criticism he received from U.S. Olympic figure skater Adam Rippon that his staff went to the extraordinary length of asking the U.S. Olympic Committee to set up a conversation between the two – an offer Rippon turned down,” USA Today reported Wednesday, citing anonymous sources.

Jarrod Agen, the vice president’s deputy chief of staff and communications director, refuted this in a statement to People magazine.

“The USA Today report is false and should be corrected. The vice president’s office did not reach out to set up a conversation with Mr. Rippon,” he said.

Moreover, Reuters reported Thursday that Rippon is, in fact, interested in meeting with Pence for an “open conversation.”

“After the competition I‘m open to meeting him and having an open conversation, but opening ceremonies are tomorrow and I’ve been really focused,” Rippon said.

I’m going to be honest: Rippon doesn’t sound like a bad kid — rather, he sounds like one who’s been brainwashed by the leftist media’s lies.

That said, I hope Rippon and Pence do eventually meet. I feel like they could learn a lot from one another.

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