
Lindsey Graham Admonishes Democratic Party in Brutal Roast - 'Going Low Is a Step Up'


Maybe we should start calling Lindsey Graham “Butter,” because he’s on a roll.

All right, that line won’t win any comedy awards … but the South Carolina senator is winning praise from Republicans for his re-invigorated defense of conservatism and verbal smack-downs of his liberal opponents.

Graham’s “roll” started during the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh. After Democrats dragged the respected legal expert and family man through the mud based on unproven allegations going back to high school, the senator was one of the most passionate speakers to stand up and object.

“I know I am a single white male from South Carolina, and I am told I should shut up, but I will not shut up,” Graham declared in the Senate, responding to a sexist statement from an opposing Democrat.

“You’ve humiliated this guy enough and there seems to be no bottom for some of you,” the senator also told protesters, who were essentially mobbing lawmakers in the Capitol. He had clearly had enough with the dirty tactics being used by liberals to delay Kavanaugh’s confirmation.

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On Wednesday, Graham was at it again. Fox News host Martha MacCallum played a clip of Hillary Clinton endorsing incivility in politics — a stance that echoed Democrat Eric Holder’s similar demand for liberals to “kick” conservatives when they had the chance.

“You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for,” Clinton said in a recent statement, before claiming that civility could only be restored if Democrats re-took Congress.

Graham took MacCallum’s request to comment on the lack of civility and ran with it.

Do you agree with Lindsey Graham?

“I would say that if you think what happened to Brett Kavanaugh was civil, we have a definite different view of what civil means,” the South Carolina senator began.

“Civil means that you do not destroy a good man because you want power. You don’t hide the evidence and ambush him, you don’t turn to the (Michael) Avenattis of the world and allow accusations completely unfounded,” Graham continued.

“So, you know, Michelle Obama said ‘when they go low, we go high,’” he stated.

Then he took off the kid gloves and hit liberals with a brutal response.

“Here’s my view of the Democratic Party regarding Kavanaugh — going low is a step up for you. You are in the gutter in terms of the Democratic Party’s approach to Kavanaugh.”

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After the Fox News host played a clip of Holder’s vile “kick them” statement, Graham seemed even more fired up.

“Keep it up, keep it up Mr. Holder, keep doing what you’re doing and see how the American people like this,” he shot back.

“Do you agree with what they did to Brett Kavanaugh? Do you believe that what they did was okay? If you believe it was okay vote Democrat. If you thought it was despicable, vote for us.”

That’s really what it comes down to. One side is acting increasingly uncivil, mob-like, and unhinged — all while pretending that they’re doing nothing of the sort. The American people can see what’s happening for themselves, and it isn’t going unnoticed.

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Benjamin Arie is an independent journalist and writer. He has personally covered everything ranging from local crime to the U.S. president as a reporter in Michigan before focusing on national politics. Ben frequently travels to Latin America and has spent years living in Mexico.

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