
Liberal Pleas Helped Free Illegal, Now He's Back Under Arrest for Domestic Violence


An illegal immigrant whose deportation from the United States was stayed by a judge after pleas from liberals was re-arrested after being accused of domestic violence, The New York Times reported.

Pablo Villavicencio Calderon had been a cause célèbre of the left after his June 1 arrest. The illegal immigrant had been detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement after delivering a pizza to Fort Hamilton Army Base in the New York City borough of Brooklyn.

On July 24, Villavicencio Calderon was released on orders from U.S. District Court Judge Paul Crotty.

“Although he stayed in the United States unlawfully and is currently subject to a final order of removal, he has otherwise been a model citizen,” Crotty wrote in his decision, according to Brooklyn Daily. “He has no criminal history. He has paid his taxes. And he has worked diligently to provide for his family.”

Villavicencio Calderon, Crotty added, could use the time out of jail to fill out the necessary paperwork to stay in the U.S.

That may have become a rather moot point last week.

“According to court documents, Mr. Villavicencio, 35, pushed his wife against a wall and slapped her Thursday at their home on Long Island,” The Times reported.

“He then took her cellphone to prevent her from calling the police. The police later found her phone in Mr. Villavicencio’s pocket.

“Mr. Villavicencio, an Ecuadorean immigrant, was due in court Tuesday, according to a spokesman for the Nassau County district attorney’s office. He was detained in the county jail, and his lawyers were not immediately available for comment.”

Where was the ACLU when this news broke Monday? Where was the Legal Aid Society, which was representing him? Where, most importantly, was New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who arranged that representation?

“ICE’s arrest of Pablo Villavicencio, while delivering pizza to a military base, was a disgraceful affront to our NY values,” Cuomo tweeted just before the July hearing that released him.

“With his court hearing today, I am again calling on the federal government to do the right thing and let him return to his family.”

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New York Democratic Rep. Nydia Velazquez chimed in too.

Cuomo and Velazquez have been silent about Villavicencio Calderon’s arrest.

Do you think that Villavicencio should have been released?

The Legal Aid Society wasn’t. Athough it issued a statement that said it was “hopeful that this matter will be resolved and that Pablo will secure valid status with the continued assistance of our counsel,” according to CBS News, the statement could be read to subtly imply that ICE was somehow responsible for the situation.

“The past several months, including Pablo’s detention and threats of imminent deportation, have been traumatic for the Villavicencio family,” a statement from the organization read.

Villavicencio Calderon is charged with criminal mischief. His lawyer, Bruce Barket, told CBS “(t)he criminal case is the kind of thing that really wouldn’t make it two weeks in criminal court if it weren’t for the attention.”

Aside from his attorney, however, you don’t see a lot of people sticking up for him this time around.

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C. Douglas Golden is a writer who splits his time between the United States and Southeast Asia. Specializing in political commentary and world affairs, he's written for Conservative Tribune and The Western Journal since 2014.
C. Douglas Golden is a writer who splits his time between the United States and Southeast Asia. Specializing in political commentary and world affairs, he's written for Conservative Tribune and The Western Journal since 2014. Aside from politics, he enjoys spending time with his wife, literature (especially British comic novels and modern Japanese lit), indie rock, coffee, Formula One and football (of both American and world varieties).
Morristown, New Jersey
Catholic University of America
Languages Spoken
English, Spanish
Topics of Expertise
American Politics, World Politics, Culture

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