
Juanita Broaddrick Brings the Roof Down on Hillary's Production Company with Brutal Suggestion


Now that former secretary of state and failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is pretty decisively out of politics — at least in terms of elected office — there are reports that she is considering other avenues through which to exert whatever influence she still retains on society, and she may already have a lucrative project lined up and ready for her.

Bloomberg reported last week that talks are underway with unnamed studios for Hillary and daughter Chelsea Clinton to form a production company that would help create film and television projects.

That would directly follow a path charted by former President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama, who created Higher Ground Productions and teamed up with Netflix to produce films and shows for the streaming service.

According to the Bloomberg report, the Clintons hope to use the production company as a means to influence American culture and society now that the family is no longer fully engaged in elected politics.

The report, based on anonymous sources, asserted that the Clintons intend to “focus on stories by and about women.”

That focus would seem to be in line with how Clinton has routinely portrayed herself as some sort of ultra-feminist that nobly serves as a champion for all women from every walk of life.

But that portrayal would be wrong, as was revealed by a brutal tweet in reference to the news by Juanita Broaddrick, a woman who has long claimed to have been raped by former President Bill Clinton when he was still the Democratic attorney general of Arkansas in 1978.

Broaddrick tweeted on Monday, “Hey, Hillary, call me. I wrote a book about a Rapist who became President and his enabling, loser wife. It would make a great movie.”

Is Hillary Clinton a hypocrite for portraying herself as a champion of all women?

Indeed, it would. However, something tells us that Clinton won’t be making contact with Broaddrick to discuss the production of her movie pitch.

That is simply the height of hypocrisy, to be sure, as Broaddrick’s story should be near the top of the list for any true champion of all women — not just those who self-proclaim the mantle and then pick and choose which women to actually champion based on partisan ideologies and agendas.

As BizPac Review noted, the 76-year-old Broaddrick wrote a book detailing the sexual assault she claims to have suffered at the hands of Bill Clinton. That book is titled, “You’d Better Put Some Ice on That: How I Survived Being Raped by Bill Clinton.”

The title stems from Broaddrick’s claim that Clinton bit her lip and drew blood while raping her in a hotel room in Little Rock, Arkansas. Broaddrick has also alleged that Hillary Clinton took steps to silence her and discredit her account.

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Of course, the former president and first lady have long denied that the incident ever occurred or that any efforts were made to silence Broaddrick.

Perhaps someday, Broaddrick’s compelling story of a powerful politician raping a young supporter prior to advancing to the highest height of an American political career, and then using the influence and prestige of that top position to discredit and silence any and all accusers, will be made into a movie or documentary series.

It most certainly won’t be a Clinton production team that takes on that particular project, though.

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Ben Marquis is a writer who identifies as a constitutional conservative/libertarian. He has written about current events and politics for The Western Journal since 2014. His focus is on protecting the First and Second Amendments.
Ben Marquis has written on current events and politics for The Western Journal since 2014. He reads voraciously and writes about the news of the day from a conservative-libertarian perspective. He is an advocate for a more constitutional government and a staunch defender of the Second Amendment, which protects the rest of our natural rights. He lives in Little Rock, Arkansas, with the love of his life as well as four dogs and four cats.
The School of Life
Little Rock, Arkansas
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