
Ilhan Omar's 'American Aggression' Tweet Backfires as Trump Shows the World What Real Leadership Looks Like


The contrasts couldn’t be clearer.

At a moment when President Donald Trump is demonstrating to the world what adult leadership in a crisis looks like, Minnesota Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar is showing off just how childish a prominent American political figure can be.

And she’s not coming off well in the process.

In a move that showed an appreciation for just how serious the situation is with Iran, Trump revealed Friday that he had personally called off a strike against the Islamic Republic that would have been retaliation for Iran’s downing of an American drone.

In an interview with “Meet the Press” set to air Sunday, Trump said estimates that a proposed strike against Iran could leave up to 150 dead was a price too high to exact for an unmanned vehicle.

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“I didn’t think it was proportionate,” Trump said.

Adults can agree or disagree with that assessment – and considering the fact that Iran has been waging a low-intensity war against the United States since the Islamic Revolution of 1979, there is plenty to disagree with.

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But the fact is, weighing the factors that go into a decision like that — the costs, the benefits and their likely consequences — is what Americans pay presidents to do. It’s what adult leadership looks like.

And then there are Democrats like Omar.

To the surprise of virtually no one who has been paying attention to progressive politics since the midterm elections showed just how crazy Democrats have gotten, Omar took to Twitter on Wednesday to attack Trump’s handling of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s latest outrages in world affairs.

And naturally, she’s taking the side of the mullahs — accusing Trump and his advisers of using continued aggressions as a “pretext” for American action in the Persian Gulf.

In a Twitter post Thursday, she linked to an article in The Atlantic by liberal commentator Peter Beinart claiming that National Security Advisor John Bolton is trying to “goad Iran into war.”

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It’s an odd essay, mainly bashing Trump for abandoning the disgraceful Iranian appeasement strategy of the Obama administration, while at the same time dismissing any Iranian aggression as brought on by the Trump administration’s harder line.

(“Moreover, if Iran really is attacking oil tankers, the Trump administration’s own actions are a big part of the reason,” Beinart wrote. I wonder if he thinks mugging victims are asking for it, too.)

But for Omar, it was a “Must read.”

Then she went a little further off the deep end into leftist fantasy — pretending Americans are the “aggressors” in the conflict.

And offered her own, utterly unsolicited advice to the commander in chief.

“As a survivor of war, I want to tell you: going to war does not make you strong. It makes you weak,” Omar wrote.

Well, if a president ever needed advice on looking weak, the modern Democratic Party is a good place to start looking.

But snarky comments aside, Omar might have been trying to stay ahead of the curve of progressive politics with a pre-emptive anti-war Twitter screed, but all she was really doing was showing how reflexively unthinking she and her party actually are.

Adults face the facts of the world. And one fact that the world has been presented with is that Islamist Iran is a state sponsor of terrorism — one of the most dangerous countries in the world. (When George W. Bush called it part of the “axis of evil” in a 2002 speech, it was one of the truest statements of the 21st Century — by any politician.)

Omar’s Twitter posts show she’s clearly not facing that fact. Instead, she’s ruminating over innocent Iranians and already criticizing “aggressor” Americans as being at fault in the latest Middle East flareup.

At 36, she’s too young to remember the humiliation the Iranian revolutionaries of 1979 heaped on the United States and its then-President Jimmy Carter (who could teach a master class in looking weak).

But she should be old enough to understand the danger the cancerous culture of terror presents to the world, and honest to enough to understand that it emanates in large part from the murderous mullahs of Tehran.

Instead, she acts like a child while Trump and his foreign policy team show the world that adults are in charge of at least the American side of the U.S.-Iranian confrontation.

She was trying to make Trump look bad, but it backfired — badly.

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Joe has spent more than 30 years as a reporter, copy editor and metro desk editor in newsrooms in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Florida. He's been with Liftable Media since 2015.
Joe has spent more than 30 years as a reporter, copy editor and metro editor in newsrooms in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Florida. He's been with Liftable Media since 2015. Largely a product of Catholic schools, who discovered Ayn Rand in college, Joe is a lifelong newspaperman who learned enough about the trade to be skeptical of every word ever written. He was also lucky enough to have a job that didn't need a printing press to do it.

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