
Fed Up Retired Army Col. Savages Gillette, Says It's Time To 'Retoxify' Masculinity


There’s a war on for the future of American men, and infantry veteran Kurt Schlichter just threw down the gauntlet.

By now, you’ve probably seen or heard of Gillette’s recent advertisement, which generated controversy by taking a “social justice” stance on the issue of so-called toxic masculinity.

Why a mega-corporation believes it needs to comment on gender politics to sell razors is a mystery, but here we are. While many on the left applauded Gillette’s push for a softer, gentler man, retired Col. Schlichter has had enough with anti-masculine virtue signaling.

In a scathing Op-Ed on Townhall, the soldier-turned-writer unloaded on the very idea that men are somehow broken and laid out the case that American males shouldn’t cave on this topic.

“We need more masculinity, and the more toxic the social justice warriors think it is, the better,” he wrote.

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His point was blunt: The term toxic masculinity is being purposely used to mean anything vaguely masculine — and if we lose that, we’re in bad shape.

“I am a strong proponent of toxic masculinity. It’s also known as ‘masculinity,'” he wrote. “Risk-taking. Ferociousness. Independence.”

And why would the left want to squeeze those traits out of American men? Schlichter has a theory.

“These are the qualities the SJWs want to wring out of us,” he stated. “Because these are the qualities they cannot overcome. They want us weak, passive and obedient.

DO you agree with Col. Schlichter's point?

“That’s how they get power.”

In the veteran military officer’s view, attacking toxic masculinity — a vague term at best — has little to do with selling grooming products and is a targeted tactic to shame men into surrendering to busy-body feminists.

“Don’t be fooled by the ‘toxic’ qualifier — all masculinity is toxic to these human weebles. What they call ‘toxic’ is really the essence of freedom,” Schlichter pointed out.

“It’s toxic all right, but to their goals, not ours. Masculinity means freedom from them and the puffy, non-binary utopia they dreamed up because that’s the only world in which such losers could be anything more than a sorry punchline,” he continued.

“Some bloated Trigglypuff screaming about the male gaze can’t force us to do anything,” he chided. “Sure, a lot of them have weight on us, but if we laugh at them and simply say ‘No’ to their demands, they’re stuck. Are they going to go get a rifle and make us?”

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Considering that liberals can’t even fire a basic sporting rifle without pretending to have PTSD, the answer is probably no.

“Nope. They have to talk us into surrendering, or really, pester us into surrendering. Which means talking us out of the uppity, aggressive, no-damns-given masculinity that is the last obstacle to their fussy, naggy domination,” the writer continued.

He then raised an important argument that deserves much more attention. Schlichter noted that if the left is truly concerned about anti-social and criminal behavior — assaulting people or harming women, say — those behaviors are already illegal.

Sexual assault is already against the law. Getting in street brawls is already against the law. Harassing people gets you fired and sued.

No, this is clearly about something much wider and more ominous.

“The answer to the attack on toxic masculinity is to recommit to what they label ‘toxicity,’ because what they call ‘toxic masculinity’ is not about criminality or being a jerk,” the vet pointed out.

“It’s about the basic premise of being a man, the role of builder and destroyer, engineer and warrior,” he continued. “They want to take what makes you special from you, so all you have are the scraps they choose to give you. And then they will own you.”

His solution? If you’re male, man up … and if you’re female, don’t fall for the social justice narratives.

If you’re a liberal, consult a dictionary to see what those words mean.

“Don’t let it happen,” Schlichter concluded. “Buy guns. Drink beer. And tell the SJWs to go to hell.”

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Benjamin Arie is an independent journalist and writer. He has personally covered everything ranging from local crime to the U.S. president as a reporter in Michigan before focusing on national politics. Ben frequently travels to Latin America and has spent years living in Mexico.

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