
Double Standard Exposed as Canada Ratchets Up Deportations


Back during the beginning of the Trump administration, when the White House enacted the first version of the travel ban, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau sent out a tweet that would become the stuff of infamy.

“To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith. Diversity is our strength,” he wrote, complete with the hashtag “#WelcomeToCanada.”

Trudeau didn’t mention a lot of things that should have probably been important.

He didn’t mention, for instance, that Canada’s immigration laws are actually tougher than the United States’ in most respects.

He didn’t mention that he didn’t expect so many people to take his offer seriously and that it would place a strain on his country’s economy. That, necessarily, led to more of those “fleeing persecution, terror & war” getting turned back.

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Canada isn’t necessarily a country that learns easily, however. After all, they spent decades under Pierre Elliott Trudeau, and instead of learning their lesson that time, they elected his dunce of a son. On Wednesday, his administration announced to much hip-hooray and ballyhoo that Canada would be welcoming 350,000 immigrants a year starting in 2021.

You can imagine the happiness in the left media:

Take that, Drumpf! It looks like one country realizes that love knows no borders, and that …

Oh wait, never mind.

Yes, according to the CBC, if dumb immigration policy giveth, it seems dumb immigration policy must taketh away.

“Canada’s border agency is stepping up efforts to deport failed refugee claimants and other foreign nationals not welcome in this country, setting a goal of dramatically increasing deportation numbers by up to 35 per cent,” the national broadcaster reported earlier this week.

“An email from the director of Canada Border Services Agency’s Enforcement and Intelligence Operations Division, sent Oct. 17 and obtained by CBC News, outlines the plan to ramp up removals to 10,000 people a year.”

“Over the last few weeks I have been involved in several discussions both regionally and nationally concerning the Government of Canada’s decision to substantially increase removal efforts including the re-establishment of national and regional targets, a practice many of you may still remember,” the email from Brad Wozny read.

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“Initial discussions have the agency working towards a new national target of 10,000 removals/year. This would imply about a 25-35 per cent increase over the last couple years.”

Do you think that the media are displaying bias toward Canada's immigration policies?

This is the proverbial rub in Canada’s immigration policy: The primary reason behind this “humanitarian” move is that Canada desperately needs a larger tax base. Our neighbors to the north have a birth rate of 1.60 children per women, well below either the United States rate or the replacement rate.

Most of Canada’s legal immigrants are also skilled, which means they’ll be contributing plenty of money to the federal coffers — which is good, because between a single-payer health care system and a ginormous safety net, they need those loonies and toonies pouring in.

Illegal immigrants (or, sorry — “foreign nationals not welcome in this country”) and failed refugee claimants, however, generally don’t contribute as much to the tax base or economic growth. Thus, the Liberal Party is kicking them out of the country. I’m sure they’ll do it politely, as Canadians tend to do, but they’ll still end up doing it. Oh, and one can probably guess that those illegal immigrants and failed refugee claimants probably aren’t as racially privileged as the other immigrants we’re talking about here — but shh, lest this be cast as racism.

Boy, did that headline ever get buried. In the meantime, expect to hear wonderful stories about how Canada is letting in 350,000 immigrants a year and how we’re closing down our borders. Never mind that Canada is ramping up deportations of “undesirables.” Never mind our immigration statistics often reach over 1 million people a year, even though we don’t have the same incentives to increase our tax base that Canada does. Canada’s open-door policy is a story without facts for a press that isn’t terribly concerned with them.

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C. Douglas Golden is a writer who splits his time between the United States and Southeast Asia. Specializing in political commentary and world affairs, he's written for Conservative Tribune and The Western Journal since 2014.
C. Douglas Golden is a writer who splits his time between the United States and Southeast Asia. Specializing in political commentary and world affairs, he's written for Conservative Tribune and The Western Journal since 2014. Aside from politics, he enjoys spending time with his wife, literature (especially British comic novels and modern Japanese lit), indie rock, coffee, Formula One and football (of both American and world varieties).
Morristown, New Jersey
Catholic University of America
Languages Spoken
English, Spanish
Topics of Expertise
American Politics, World Politics, Culture
