
Bill Clinton Gets Oddly Defensive After Being Accused of Stealing Money from Haiti


Former President Bill Clinton grew suspiciously defensive over the weekend after The Washington Post ran a fact-check on claims that the infamous Clinton Foundation non-profit used some of its donations on funding the 2010 wedding of his daughter, Chelsea Clinton.

“No Clinton Foundation funds — dedicated to Haiti or otherwise — were used to pay for Chelsea’s wedding,” Clinton fumed on Twitter. “It’s not only untrue, it’s a personal insult to me, to Hillary, and to Chelsea and Marc.”

The claim that the Clinton Foundation wasted money meant to help Haiti recover from the 2010 earthquake on Chelsea’s wedding first emerged in 2016, when WikiLeaks brought attention to a hacked email from former Clinton aide Dan Band to John Podesta, the then-chairman of then-Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

In the email, Band urged Podestsa to speak with Hillary about allegations that Chelsea was exploiting the Clinton Foundation for personal gain.

“The investigation into her getting paid for campaigning, using foundation resources for her wedding and life for a decade, taxes on money from her parents …” Band wrote, according to The U.K. Independent. “I hope that you will speak to her and end this.”

This claim resurfaced last week after Chelsea sought to involve herself in President Donald Trump’s latest scandal wherein some claim he referred to Haiti and El Salvador as “s**thole” nations during a private meeting with congressional Democrats and Republicans, by dinging him on Twitter.

In response, conservative commentator Paul Joseph Watson blasted her for having allegedly used donations meant for the Haitians to pay for her wedding:

Do you think the Clinton Foundation paid for Chelsea's wedding?

This in turn triggered around round of media feuding, with the leftist media claiming this never happened, and the conservative media suggesting otherwise.

Cue Bill Clinton’s defensive tweet.

Just to be clear, the fact-check by The Washington Post disputes the claim, alleging that “no evidence has emerged” proving its veracity.

Stunningly, the Post defended this interpretation of events by suggesting there was “bad blood” between Chelsea and Band: “Band appears to be alleging Chelsea Clinton engaged in some inappropriate use of Clinton Foundation ‘resources’ — whatever that is — for her 2010 wedding to Marc Mezvinsky,” the Post reported. “Clearly, there’s some bad blood between Chelsea Clinton and Band, who had left the foundation in 2011 to start his own company, Teneo Holdings.”

So did the Clinton Foundation waste money meant for the Haitians on Chelsea’s wedding? Despite what the Post claims, we don’t really know for sure — and we may very well never know.

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A more interesting question is this: Why did Clinton grow so defensive over this matter, and, more importantly, why do so many Haitians dislike him, his wife and his daughter so much? Hmmm.

H/T Zero Hedge

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