
Avenatti Needs a Mental Evaluation ASAP, Appears To Believe He Can Take Out Trump in 2020


Stormy Daniels’ attorney Michael Avenatti said there is “a very short list” of people who can beat President Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential race, and he alluded to the fact that he’s on it.

“You know, Joy, I don’t know yet. I mean, I’ve rung the alarm bell,” Avenatti said Saturday on MSNBC’s “AM Joy” when host Joy Reid asked him if he was running for president in 2020.

Would Avenatti have the potential to beat Trump in a presidential race?

“I think the Democratic Party needs to put forward some candidates that can actually beat Donald Trump,” he said. “I think that’s a very short list.”

When asked what the most effective message against Trump was, Avenatti said “the truth.”

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Avenatti said Wednesday on Twitter that he will run if he is the only potential Democratic candidate “that has a REAL chance at beating” Trump in 2020.

Avenatti dismissed claims that he is just another “celebrity” presidential candidate in a Saturday tweet.

“‘Celebrity’ diminishes the 18 years of substantive legal work I did before Stormy,” the tweet stated.

Interestingly, Reid ran a poll on her Twitter account asking followers if Avenatti should run for president. The results were overwhelming.

With nearly 63,000 people voting, 46 percent said no, while 32 percent said he should. Another 16 percent said they weren’t sure.

Some of Reid’s fans pleaded with fellow Democrats to get off the “Avenatti for president” bandwagon.

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“He is a smart guy,” said one Twitter user. “But seriously, we need to get away from celebrity apprentice and start focusing on our country again.”

“Seriously, stop,” said another user. “I don’t want anymore hotshot media celebrities. I want someone experienced in governance.”

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