
AOC's NY Nightmare: New Poll of AOC's Own Voters Shows She's 'Disliked, Distrusted, Unwanted'


Leftists bash President Donald Trump for having an approval rating less than 50 percent.

According to NBC, a 44 percent approval rating is a “warning sign.” The same number garnered a label of “startling” from Intelligencer’s Ed Kilgore.

When the president posted a 41 percent showing, a Bloomberg headline read, “Trump Should Worry About His Approval Rating.”

When Trump was briefly at 39 percent, Gallup said Trump was faltering.

And, of course, whenever a poll shows something liberals don’t like, they either ignore it or call it biased.

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Maybe that’s why the left doesn’t seem to want to talk about a recent survey showing Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s favorability rating at 21 percent.

That is a lower number than any favorability poll result in Donald Trump’s presidency.

According to the Washington Examiner, the survey found AOC was “disliked, distrusted,” and “unwanted” — in her own congressional district.

The survey was conducted among registered voters by a political action committee investigating alleged Federal Election Commission violations by AOC.

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The committee, Stop The AOC PAC, found that just 11 percent of Ocasio-Cortez’s constituents thought she had their best interests in mind. The survey results showed the cause was likely AOC’s opposition to Amazon placing a major operations hub near her New York district.

Per the Washington Examiner, the survey found the following:

  • 42 percent are unfamiliar with AOC.
  • 51 percent have an unfavorable view of AOC.
  • 33 percent are ready to vote against AOC, and only 13 percent would vote for her.

Although Ocasio-Cortez clearly has a large following on Instagram and Twitter, she doesn’t appear to be very popular with average constituents in New York’s 14th Congressional District.

Her problem could be her vocal support of socialism and buddy-buddy appearances with Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.

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Or it could be her whining like a goat over the $4,500 raise she didn’t get. (But profits and capitalism are bad, y’all!)

Or it could be that she wants to outlaw cow farts, hamburgers and airplanes.

Or it could be that when one of the largest employers in the world suggested it might come to her state bringing jobs and huge amounts of tax revenue, Ocasio-Cortez and other liberals protested and ran the company off.

People who needed jobs don’t have them because of AOC’s foolish, soapbox chest-beating.

And it’s those people that will go to the voting booths next election.

It’s not all the Twitter followers, it’s not all the social media “friends,” it’s not all the mainstream media hosts who aren’t even covering her 21 percent favorability rating that actually matter.

No, it’s the people in the voting booth, the average Americans who care more about feeding their kids than the gaseous emissions from a bovine.

They will be the ones making decisions in 2020. So, wish AOC good luck.

She’s going to need it, y’all.

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G.S. Hair is the former executive editor of The Western Journal.
G.S. Hair is the former executive editor of The Western Journal and vice president of digital content of Liftable Media.

After graduating law school from the Cecil C. Humphries School of Law, Mr. Hair spent a decade as an attorney practicing at the trial and appellate level in Arkansas and Tennessee. He represented clients in civil litigation, contractual disputes, criminal defense and domestic matters. He spent a significant amount of time representing indigent clients who could not afford private counsel in civil or criminal matters. A desire for justice and fairness was a driving force in Mr. Hair's philosophy of representation. Inspired by Christ’s role as an advocate on our behalf before God, he often represented clients who had no one else to fight on their behalf.

Mr. Hair has been a consultant for Republican political candidates and has crafted grassroots campaign strategies to help mobilize voters in staunchly Democrat regions of the Eastern United States.

In early 2015, he began writing for Conservative Tribune. After the site was acquired by Liftable Media, he shut down his law practice, moved to Arizona and transitioned into the position of site director. He then transitioned to vice president of content. In 2018, after Liftable Media folded all its brands into The Western Journal, he was named executive editor. His mission is to advance conservative principles and be a positive and truthful voice in the media.

He is married and has four children. He resides in Phoenix, Arizona.
South Carolina
Homeschooled (and proud of it); B.A. Mississippi College; J.D. University Of Memphis
Phoenix, Arizona
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