
'Angel Dad' Targets Pelosi, Schumer: Dem Politicians Just Don't Understand


The father of a man killed by an illegal immigrant driver almost a decade ago is courting significant controversy after he said on Fox News that Democrat politicians catering to the needs of illegal aliens won’t understand “what’s happening to us” because their own offspring haven’t died because of illegal immigration.

Speaking in the aftermath of the death of Cpl. Ronil Singh, a policeman with the Newman, California, Police Department, Fight Sanctuary State co-founder Don Rosenberg told “Fox & Friends” on Sunday that the Singh killing opened up old wounds for him and other “Angel Families,” as some of those who’ve lost loved ones to illegal immigrant crime call themselves.

Singh was shot to death Wednesday, allegedly by illegal alien and gang member Gustavo Perez Arriaga after the officer stopped Arriaga as part of a DUI investigation.

“Well, we just relive what happened, you know, to our loved ones,” Rosenberg said. “It’s just another stab in the back, particularly in California by our government that doesn’t give a damn about our families.”

While Rosenberg had scorn for national Democrats like House Speaker-designate Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer — who have helped partially shut down the government by refusing to fund the president’s proposed border wall — he also attacked “the entire legislature in California that voted for sanctuary.”

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SB 54, California’s so-called sanctuary state act, prevents local authorities from sharing immigration information with the federal government for detainees charged with minor crimes. Singh’s killer had two previous DUIs, although they had taken place before SB 54 was passed. However, the locales in which they took place apparently didn’t check on his immigration status.

Rosenberg’s 25-year-old son, Drew, was killed in 2010 at the age of 25 when the motorcycle he was riding was hit by an illegal alien driving without a license, according to Breitbart.

In Sunday’s interview with Fox News’ Ed Henry, Rosenberg courted controversy with his suggestion on how the hearts and minds of Democratic politicians might be changed — and it was ugly.

“It’s time for them to have one of their loved ones murdered by an illegal alien,” he said. “It’s time for them to understand what’s happening to us.”

“And I don’t say that being vindictive,” he continued. “I just hope that maybe if it happens to them they’ll change their ways and stop worrying about their political careers.”

Henry stepped in to try to soften the sentiment.

“With all due respect, we certainly don’t wish that that crime happens to anyone, you know, whether it’s Pelosi, Schumer or another father like you,” the host said.

“I understand your opinion, but I want to be clear: None of us are rooting for that. But I understand your point,” Henry said. “And please tell me a little more — go ahead. I don’t want to interrupt you but I also don’t want to wish that to happen to anyone.”

Rosenberg apparently did.

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“I am rooting for that to happen to them,” Rosenberg said. “Not because I’m vindictive. They don’t care about us. They don’t care that their policies and their laws are killing people. And maybe if it happens to them it will stop the killing.

Do you think this "Angel Dad" went too far?

“I’ve done what I’ve been doing,” he continued. “I can’t bring my son back. What I’ve hoped all along is that my son’s death would save other lives, but it doesn’t. They don’t care. So it’s time for them to experience the same thing.”

Well. That’s certainly one way to put it.

I understand that Mr. Rosenberg has been been through quite a great deal over the past few years, but this is why we don’t let victims or their families oversee the punishment in the trials of the accused or those they may feel have abetted them.

Nevertheless, a rational person can agree with Ed Henry — and be appalled by what Rosenberg said — but still know there’s a point to be understood:

Politicians don’t realize the depth of pain that families of those killed or grievously harmed by illegal immigrant violence feel. To them, it’s a political calculation.

One can only pray deaths like those of Cpl. Singh’s put the emotional calculus into consideration.

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C. Douglas Golden is a writer who splits his time between the United States and Southeast Asia. Specializing in political commentary and world affairs, he's written for Conservative Tribune and The Western Journal since 2014.
C. Douglas Golden is a writer who splits his time between the United States and Southeast Asia. Specializing in political commentary and world affairs, he's written for Conservative Tribune and The Western Journal since 2014. Aside from politics, he enjoys spending time with his wife, literature (especially British comic novels and modern Japanese lit), indie rock, coffee, Formula One and football (of both American and world varieties).
Morristown, New Jersey
Catholic University of America
Languages Spoken
English, Spanish
Topics of Expertise
American Politics, World Politics, Culture

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