
Conservative Journalist Reports She's Been Told Who Brought Cocaine Into WH - And Joe Biden Knows Who It Is


President Joe Biden knows who brought cocaine into the White House last month, according to a new report.

According to a report in Soldier of Fortune magazine, the Secret Service told Biden the identity of the drug found on July 2. An investigation into the cocaine ended with no one being interviewed and no suspects publicly identified.

The report by publisher Susan Katz Keating also says that three sources she did not name have told her the identity of who brought the cocaine into the White House, but she did not reveal the name.

The report said the sources “currently work for a U.S. government agency, and are not authorized to speak to the media.”

“It was someone within the Biden family orbit, and it wasn’t Hunter,” Keating wrote, quoting a source she did not name as saying. After the incident, there was widespread speculation linking Hunter Biden, who has a long, documented history of drug abuse.

“If you want the name, ask Joe Biden. He knows who it is,” Keating wrote that she was told by a source.

The report said efforts were made to contact the president as well as Jill Biden, Hunter Biden, Ashley Biden, and Kamala Harris. No replies were received.

Secret Service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi contradicted the report, saying it “is false,” according to the New York Post.

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“The Secret Service does not know who transported the small bag of cocaine into the White House,” Guglielmi said. “Our investigation could not lead to a person of interest and there were no discernible fingerprints or DNA that could be recovered from the packaging.”

“Our source is the independent crime lab of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. This institution is not affiliated with the Secret Service, or the Department of Homeland Security. The FBI is nationally accredited in this area of forensic science and they conducted a very thorough analysis of the packaging,” he said.

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Keating bought Soldier of Fortune and became its publisher in May 2022 after working as a reporter at the Washington Times and as a senior editor at the Washington Examiner, according to the Post.

She said she sent a message using a published number to contact the White House but failed every time to have the message delivered.

“I noted the text because every other method I tried brought no results. I am getting a lot of good information from sources, but I have to give the White House / Biden the opportunity to respond,” Keating told the Post.

“I sent several text messages, as per their offering. Each time, it bounced back as undelivered. I published the screen shot to show that I used the method the White House told me to use, and it didn’t work. I wanted to document that I made the attempt.”

Keating was chided by the conservative British publication The Spectator for her reticence on the key subject of who left the drugs behind.

“She does not tell her readers the name that all three sources gave her. Come on Susan, don’t be stingy with the goods,” the magazine needled.

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Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
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