
CNN's Chris Cuomo Criticizes Use of 'Extermination,' Called Out Over How Often His Own Network Uses It


CNN host Chris Cuomo is receiving backlash after criticizing Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney’s use of the word “extermination” in reference to the Holocaust.

On Tuesday, Cheney slammed New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez after the democratic socialist claimed the Trump administration is running “concentration camps on our southern border.”

“Please [Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez] do us all a favor and spend just a few minutes learning some actual history,” Cheney tweeted.

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“6 million Jews were exterminated in the Holocaust. You demean their memory and disgrace yourself with comments like this,” the Republican representative added.

Cuomo went after Cheney the next morning. “Exterminated? We use that for pests not people,” he tweeted.

However, Sean Davis, co-founder of The Federalist,  took the opportunity to bring up several times in which CNN and Cuomo used the term “extermination” to refer to the Holocaust.

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“You have repeatedly used that precise term on your show to refer to genocide, as have countless CNN guests and anchors,” Davis tweeted.

“I know you’re upset that your precious [Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez] is getting dragged for being a dummy, but that’s no excuse for being an idiot yourself.”

In 2014, a blog post from CNN used the term saying, “While there, this son of Holocaust survivors discovers his paternal grandparents actually perished in one of the most brutal extermination camps of WWII, Auschwitz.”

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Earlier this year, CNN correspondent Sara Sidner used the term “exterminate” as well.

“Schloss survived Auschwitz concentration camp at 16 but most of her family were annihilated by the Nazis along with 6 million Jews. And now more than 70 years after the attempt to exterminate so many human beings she is faced with young people who think Nazi symbolism is all the rage,” she said.

Another Twitter user responded to Cuomo pointing out that even the Auschwitz Memorial and Museum uses the term “exterminate.”

Earlier this week, the Auschwitz Memorial said, “Auschwitz began in spring 1940 as a concentration camp set up by German Nazis for Polish leadership, intellectuals & resistance.”

“In fall 1941 Soviet POWs were deported. In March 1942 it became a center of mass extermination of Jews & mass murder of Roma.”

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Steven is a former writer for The Western Journal and has written hundreds of stories for both Western Journal and Conservative Tribune. He is a follower of Jesus, husband to an amazing wife and father to two beautiful girls.
Steven is a former writer for the Western Journal and has written dozens of stories for both Western Journal and Conservative Tribune. Steven is a native of Louisiana but has transferred to a remote desert land often referred to as Arizona. He has a beautiful wife and two amazing daughters. You can often find him hiking the Arizona landscape or serving on the worship team at his church.
Shreveport, LA
B.S. Church Ministries with a specialization in Church Planting and Revitalization
Phoenix, AZ
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